Psychology 217-218: General Information | Psychology 217-218: 2001 Specific Information |
During exams it's best to have people spread out as much as possible. Thus, when you enter the room for an exam, please sit in every other seat (as best as is possible). TA proctors will facilitate this process.
Proctors are there mostly to answer questions. If you have a question, ask any proctor, and he or she will answer the question as best as possible without giving away the answer.
At the end of an exam, the official time to hand in your exam to a TA is 9:20.
The end of the exam will be announced at 9:20, at which point, exam collection will begin. TA proctors will collect the exams and funnel them to the graduate TA. TA proctors will not attempt to persuade anyone to hand in an exam beyond asking once for the exam.
Shortly after 9:20, the graduate TA will announce that he or she is leaving the room. Within thirty seconds after that, she will collect any remaining exams from other TAs, and will depart.
Once the graduate TA has departed the room, he or she will not accept any more exams; in other words, any exams not handed in by that time will not be graded and will receive a zero. This means that it is your responsibility to get your exam to a TA after the hour has ended and the exams have been requested.
If, upon receiving your exam back, you believe that you've been mistreated on some question, please see the person who graded the question first. If you can't work things out, please see the graduate TA. If you are still dissatisfied, you may see me. I will go over your entire exam and make any grading changes that seem appropriate.
The statute of limitations for registering a complaint about grading for either quizzes or exams, is one week.
Information regarding any grade change must reach the graduate TA so it can be recorded.