Psychology 317-318, 2014

Wednesday, April 2, 2014, 11:20 PM


Please re-download these Excel Spreadsheets (as there was a slight error in one of them) from here and here.

Readings relevant to Monday, 4/7/14 lecture

· Chapters 10, 11

Here is stuff to be downloaded for Psychology 318

· Class syllabus It's pretty much the same as it was for Psychology 317 except that there are four rather than five midterm exams. NOTE that the first exam will be on Wednesday, April 16.

· Handout packet

· Textbook errata sheet (same as from Psychology 317, so most of you should already have it)

· Psychology 318 practice exams from 2006, 2008, 2009, and 2010. The general organization is the same as it was for the Psychology 317 practice exams.

Section assignments

· Please go to the same section you went to last quarter (note that the TAs and section times are the same as they were last quarter, but the locations are different).

· Please email me if you did not take Psychology 317 last quarter or if there is a serious problem with your assigned section.

Homework #1: Due Thursday, 4/10/14 at 12:30 PM.

· Please download HW1 assignment from this Excel workbook. NOTE that there are problems from both Chapter 10 and Chapter 11, accessed by tabs at the bottom of the workbook.

· As with previous HW assignments, the problems are mostly from the text but, as specified on the worksheet, there are changes to some of the problems.

· We strongly urge you to do these problems using Excel. Otherwise, they are going to take you forever.


Information below this line is out of date and is preserved for historical purposes only.

Readings relevant to Monday, 3/31/14 lecture

· Chapter 10

Final Exam Statistics: mean = 69; median = 71, standard deviation = 16; lowest score = 31; highest score = 95

Final Grade Statistics: mean = 3.1; median = 3.4, standard deviation = 1.1; lowest score = 0.6; highest score = 4.6

You can pick up Final answers here and a copy of the Final Exam itself here.

Have a good break! Information about Psychology 318 will be posted here next week.

Bobby will hold additional office hours tomorrow, Monday, 3/17/14, from 12:00 to 2:00 in the Gould coffee shop.

Micah will hold additional office hours tomorrow, Monday, 3/17/14, from 1:30 to 3:30 in the Gould coffee shop.

Radha will hold additional office hours tomorrow, Monday, 3/17/14, starting at 7:00 PM in room Red C in the Allen Research Commons.

The Final Exam, which will take place during class time on Tuesday, 3/18/14, will cover lecture material from all lectures. It will cover textbook readings through p. 297.

Exam-5 Statistics: mean = 81; median = 85, standard deviation = 17; lowest score = 21; highest score = 100

Final HW answers can be downloaded from here.

Radha's office hours today, Thursday, 3/13/14 will shift from 3:00-4:30 to 4:00-5:30.

You can pick up Exam-5 answers here and a copy of Exam 5 itself here.

Exam 5, which will take place during class time on Wednesday, 3/12/14 will cover lecture material from lectures given on February 24, March 3, and March 5. It will cover textbook readings from Chapters 7, 8, and 9.

Please download a new set of handouts (that will be used today, 3/10/14 and throughout Psychology 318) from here.

HW5 answers can be downloaded from here.

Final version of FHW: Due Thursday, 3/13/14 at 12:30 PM: unchanged

· Please download FHW assignment from this Excel worksheet.

· NOTE: It would probably be worthwhile to do these Chapter-10 problems prior to Wednesday's Exam 5 Even though Exam 5 will not cover t-test, many aspects of doing these problems will be relevant to the material that is on Exam 5.

Readings for lecture of Monday, 3/10/14: Chapter 10

FINAL VERSION OF Homework #5: Due Thursday, 3/6/14 at 12:30 PM.

· Please download HW5 assignment from this Excel worksheet, but eliminate Chapter-10 problems. As with previous HW assignments, the problems are mostly from the text but, as specified on the worksheet, there are changes to most of the problems.

· Some of the Chapter-10 problems from the original HW5 will become part of the Final homework (FHW) that will be assigned by tomorrow.

IMPORTANT CORRECTION TO FHW: Ignore the "homogeneity of variance" instructions at the top. Just compute 95% confidence intervals around sample means.

Homework #5: Due Thursday, 3/6/14 at 12:30 PM.

· Please download HW5 assignment from this Excel worksheet. As with previous HW assignments, the problems are mostly from the text but, as specified on the worksheet, there are changes to most of the problems.

Readings for lecture of Monday, 3/3/14: Chapters 7, 8.

Exam-4 Statistics: mean = 77; median = 81, standard deviation = 16; lowest score = 19; highest score = 98

You can pick up Exam-4 answers here and a copy of Exam 4 itself here.

From Micah about the correction for continuity

I got some questions during office hours about corrections for continuity with inclusive and exclusive probabilities.

Always set up the correction for continuity to capture the values you're interested in. For instance if you have p(5 ≤ X ≤ 9), correct for continuity so as to include the values 5 and 9 by subtracting .5 from 5 and adding .5 to 9. You should end up with 4.5 and 9.5 for your X1 and X2, respectively.

If you're asked to calculate strictly more or less than some number, again consider what values you're interested in and correct for continuity so as to capture these values. If you have p(5 < X < 9), then you're interested in all values between 6 and 8, so correct for continuity to capture these values by setting your X1 and X2 to 5.5 and 8.5, respectively.


Sandrine's office hours: Sandrine will not be having her usual office hours this Wednesday afternoon, 2/26/14 (3:30 - 5:30). She will resume next week.

Exam 4, which will take place during class time on Wednesday, 2/26/14 will cover lecture material from lectures given on February 10, and February 19. It will cover textbook readings from Chapters 5 and 6.

Brianna's office hours: Instead of Monday (today) from 2:00-3:30, Brianna will hold office hours on Tuesday from 3:30-5:00 for this week only. Her regular Wednesday office hours, from 11:30-1:00, will stay the same.

HW4 answers can be downloaded from here.

Readings for lecture of Monday, 2/24/14: Chapter 7.

Final version Homework #4: Due Thursday, 2/20/14 at 12:30 PM. NO CHANGES.

· Please download HW4 assignment from this Excel worksheet. As with previous HW assignments, the problems are mostly from the text but, as specified on the worksheet, there are changes to some of the problems.

Exam-3 Statistics: mean = 92; median = 95, standard deviation = 12; lowest score = 31; highest score = 100

You can pick up Exam-3 answers here and a copy of Exam 3 itself here.

Readings for lecture of Wednesday, 2/19/14: Chapter 6.

A recent spam message I received read as follows:

"Will You Be KILLED By Your Heart Attack?

There is a good chance the heart attack you have will be FATAL!

1 in 3 people will die of heart disease, so the odds are against you."

Is this good reasoning?

Readings for lecture of Monday, 2/10/14: Chapters 5, 6.

Exam 3, which will take place during class time on Wednesday, 2/12/14 will cover lecture material from lectures given on January 27, February 3, and February 5. It will cover textbook readings from Chapters 3 and 4, along with Appendix C.

HW3 answers can be downloaded from here.

FINAL version of Homework #3 due Thursday, 2/6/14 at 12:30 PM: as assigned except...

· Chapter 3, Problem 5: Eliminate doing problems 3, 5, and 8 from Chapter 2

· Eliminate Chapter-5 problems. They will become part of HW4.

Homework #3: Due Thursday, 2/6/14 at 12:30 PM.

· Please download HW3 assignment from this Excel worksheet. As with previous HW assignments, the problems are mostly from the text but, as specified on the worksheet, there are changes to some of the problems.

Exam-2 Statistics: mean = 85; median = 89, standard deviation = 12; lowest score = 45; highest score = 100

You can pick up Exam 2 answers here and a copy of Exam 2 itself here.

Readings for lecture of Monday, 2/3/14: Chapter 3, Appendix C.

Error on HW2 answer sheet: Chapter 1, Problem 10l should be 0.333, not 0.500. Sorry.

Here is something that Dale has provided. It's an alternate (more complete, more formal, and generally better) way of understanding the last HW2 problem.

Here are some mathematical justifications to the Monty Hall solution that some might find easier to understand:

p(B) = 1/3; the chance of the prize being door B

p(~B) = p(A U C) = 2/3 via complement rule

p(A U C) = p(A) + p(C) via addition rule

When door A opens it reveals that p(A) = 0

if p(A) + p(C) = 2/3 and p(A) = 0; it leaves p(C) = 2/3

In the end, with all the information:

p(A) = 0
p(B) = 1/3; staying
p(C) = 2/3; switching

Thus, you should always switch.

HW2 answers can be downloaded from here.

· NOTE: There are two worksheets in this workbook: one for Chapter-1 problems, and one for Chapter-2 problems. You can access them by clicking on the tabs at the bottom of the worksheets.

· NOTE: For some of the HW answers you can see the underlying Excel formulas by clicking on the relevant cell. For other answers, you do not see the formulas; you only see the values. This represents our compromise between the conflicting goals of (a) wanting you to be able to see how the answers are computed in Excel, but (b) not wanting this year's answer sheets to be easily useable prior to when the same homework assignment is due in future years.

Some additional optional reading

· Some time ago, I began to write an update to the text that you are using. I haven't gotten very far, but I did write versions of Chapters 1 and 2. They overlap quite a bit both with lecture and with the text that you're using. But they do have some new information and it may be worth your while to read them.

· You can download Chapter 1 here and Chapter 2 here.

· If you detect any errors (which is quite likely) or in general if you have any comments, I'd be very pleased if you emailed them to me. Thanks.

Exam 2, which will take place during class time on Wednesday, 1/29/14 will cover lecture material from lectures given on January 13 and 22. It will cover textbook readings from p. 39 through the end of Chapter 2, along with Appendix A.

Readings for lecture of Monday, 1/27/14: Chapter 3, Appendixes A-B

FINAL version of Homework #2 due Thursday, 1/23/14 at 12:30 PM: No changes; do all problems originally assigned from this worksheet

Exam-1 Statistics: mean = 78; median = 81, standard deviation = 16; lowest score = 9.5; highest score = 97. 1

Readings for lecture of Wednesday, 1/22/14: Chapter 2

You can pick up Exam 1 answers here and a copy of Exam 1 itself here.

People in Dale's section (AC), please take note! Dale's section room is now Savory 139.

Homework #2: Due Thursday, 1/23/14 at 12:30 PM.

· Please download HW2 assignment from this Excel worksheet. As with HW1, the problems are mostly from the text but, as specified on the worksheet, there are changes to some of the problems.

Brianna's office hours

· Brianna will have her office hours Mondays 2-3:30 pm and Wednesdays 11:30-1:00 pm in the Gould coffee shop. She can be reached at

Updated section assignments, as of 1/9/14, are posted here.

REMINDER about practice exams

· As indicated on the syllabus, the first exam will be given during class time on Wednesday, 1/15/14, and exams will be given every two weeks thereafter through 3/12/14. To practice for exams, you can download previous exams from from 2006, 2008, 2009, and 2010.

· Note that the folder of exams for a given year contains the exams themselves (as Word documents) plus one "Exam Answers" Excel workbook. Please note: in the "Exam Answers" workbook, the answers to the individual exams are individual worksheets within the workbook that can be accessed by clicking the tabs at the bottom left.

· Please note also that different exams may have covered different materials in different years. It is up to you to figure out which material on any given practice exam is relevant to the exams this year.

Exam 1, which will take place during class time on Wednesday, 1/15/14 will cover lecture material from lectures given on January 6 and 8. It will cover textbook readings through p. 39 of the text.

More on Sandrine's office hours

· Starting next week, i.e., the week of January 13, Sandrine will hold her office hours in Mary Gates Hall, first floor Commons.

TA Office hour changes from syllabus

· Sandrine's office hours will be: Wednesdays, 12:30-1:20 and 3:30 - 5:30

· Radha's office hours will be: Mondays and Thursdays, 3:00-4:20

HW1 answers can be downloaded from here.

· NOTE: For some of the HW answers you can see the underlying Excel formulas by clicking on the relevant cell. For other answers, you do not see the formulas; you only see the values. This represents our compromise between the conflicting goals of (a) wanting you to be able to see how the answers are computed in Excel, but (b) not wanting this year's answer sheets to be easily useable prior to when the same homework assignment is due in future years.

Change in graduate TA

· Brianna Yamasaki has replaced Liz Bird as graduate TA. This will mainly affect students in Liz's section, who will now be students in Brianna's section. I will update the web site soon to provide Brianna's email address and her office hours.

Change in Bobby's office hours for next week only

· On Tuesday, January 14 Bobby will switch his office hours to 3:30 - 4:50.

FINAL version of Homework #1: Due Thursday, 1/9/14 at 12:30 PM

· You can download the final version of the HW1 assignment from this Excel workbook. Note that two problems (5 and 8) have been added, but quite a few have been subtracted

· You can turn in your HW in any way you like to your TA. By default, please turn it in to the "Psychology 317" mailbox in the Guthrie mail room (G128). The mailbox is labeled in orange on the right back wall, facing you, as you enter the mailroom. Within the mailbox are manila envelopes with the names of the TAs. Please place your homework in your TA's envelope.


This site contains information that will be relevant to Psychology 317-318 during Winter and Spring Quarters of 2014 (readings, homework, etc). Please bookmark it and check it at least once per day. Newest information will be at the top of the page, and all information will be retained throughout both Winter and Spring quarters.

Should you like to see what happens during the entire 317-318 course, you can access last year's web site here. Note that most of the links will not work, but you can still get an overview of what the course is like.

Emailing questions to me (

I'd like you to be circumspect in emailing questions to me. If you have a question that needs an urgent answer, then phone me, stop by, or email me. However, if the question can be answered by a TA, then please direct it to your TA or any TA. If the question can wait, ask someone during office hours, or raise the question in section or in class. Thanks.

About Excel

This class will be highly Excel-based in that HW assignments, HW answer sheets, and Exam answer sheets will all be posted in the form of Excel workbooks. It is very, very strongly to your advantage to become proficient in Excel. Knowing Excel will allow you, for example, to do your HW assignments faster by at least a factor of 3. It is possible to do well in the course without learning Excel, but it will be considerably more difficult than if you do learn Excel.

Please download these documents. Bring printed versions to the first day of class.

· Class syllabus: Please read carefully before coming to the first class lecture.

· Handout packet: I will constantly be referring to these handouts in lectures.

· Textbook errata sheet: Be sure to go through the text and actually implement the errata or you will be confused down the road.

Readings relevant to lectures to be given 1/6/14 and 1/8/14

· Preface, Introduction, Chapter 1

Homework #1: Due Thursday, 1/9/13 at 12:30 PM. That's right; HW1 is due the first Thursday of the quarter!

· Please download HW1 assignment from this Excel worksheet. Note that mostly the problems are from the text but, as specified on the worksheet, there are changes to some of the problems.

· Note that HW1 is designed to cover only material that I will have covered in class through the lecture on Wednesday, 1/8/14. Because I will not know exactly what this material will be until class ends on Wednesday, there may be some adjustments to the assignment, which I will post very soon after class on Wednesday.

· This adjustment process will be true of all HW assignments. In general, I try to err on the side of initially assigning more rather than fewer problem on a given HW assignment. This means that any Wednesday after-class adjustments usually entail dropping problems. Dropped problems on any given HW assignment will show up as problems on the subsequent HW assignment.

NOTE: Although you should all have texts by this time, for your convenience, pdf's of all HW problems in the book can be accessed and downloaded from here.

· As indicated on the syllabus, the first exam will be given during class time on Wednesday, 1/15/14, and exams will be given every two weeks thereafter through 3/12/14. To practice for exams, you can download previous exams from from 2006, 2008, 2009, and 2010.

· Note that the folder of exams for a given year contains the exams themselves (as Word documents) plus one "Exam Answers" Excel workbook. Please note: in the "Exam Answers" workbook, the answers to the individual exams are individual worksheets within the workbook that can be accessed by clicking the tabs at the bottom left.

· Please note also that different exams may have covered different materials in different years. It is up to you to figure out which material on any given practice exam is relevant to the exams this year.