Hadar Picture Gallery
Pictures taken during the 1993 and 1994
field seasons.
[Click thumbnail to see enlarged view.]
Elowaha – the turn in the road to Hadar.
Sintaiyu's Place – a refuge during labor negotiations.
The "Lip" – from the uneroded plains into the Hadar Formation.
Hadar Camp, 1994 — near the junction of the Sidiha Koma and Awash Rivers.
The Hadar River and surrounding sediments near the middle part of its drainage.
These sediments of the Hadar Formation are between 3.0 and 3.4 Ma.
Sediments in the upper Hadar River drainage. These sediments of the Hadar
Formation are less than 2.5 MA.
The Bazinomobile in the lower reaches of the Hadar River during the dry season.
The "Lucy Site" AL288 as it is today (1993) (middle distance).
The "First Family Site" AL333 in 1993 (on the very steep slope, just
below the horizon).
AL444, site of discovery of the new adult male cranium of Australopithecus
afarensis found in 1990.
AL666, in the middle distance, site of the discovery of the earliest known
specimens of Homo habilis in direct
association with stone tools (2.3 Ma).
The BKT II tuff – a thin volcanic ash near the top of the lower sediments at
Hadar dated at 2.9 Ma.
An ossicone of the extinct, giant, short-necked giraffe — Sivatherium
marusium — from the lower part of the Hadar
Formation. Ossicones are skin covered, horn or antler-like protuberances on the
heads of giraffids.
A fragment of the left lower jaw of Thryonomys cf. swinderianus — the
giant cane rat. This specimen is from the upper part of the Hadar Formation and
is probably less than 2.0 Ma.
The horn cores and neurocranium of Tragelaphus aff. kyaloae — an
extinct sitatunga-like antelope that is common in the lower Hadar Formation.
The right lower third molar of Metridiochoerus andrewsi, a very large extinct pig, from the upper levels of
the Hadar Formation.
A skull of a female of Theropithecus darti,
the dominant monkey in the lower sediments of the Hadar Formation.
The Afar crew who help me with the general paleontological survey of the upper
sediments of the Hadar Formation.
Members of the Hadar Research Project in 1993.
Afofili – the hill of bones – at sunset.
Pictures taken during the 2000 and 2001
field seasons.
AL822-1, a new skull of Australopithecus afarensis found in 2000.
AL822, the skull was found on the slope
below the small cliff.
AL822, can you see the skull fragments? One is
circled in red as a hint.
The finders of AL822-1 (left to right, Dato Adan, Arbrahaim
Nori and Hamedu Meter). Dato Adan found the first piece.
AL827-1. A new femur of Australopithecus afarensis found in 2000. It is much bigger than Lucy’s, but
second only to hers in completeness.
Hadar Camp in 2000. The gallery forest of the Awash River and the hills
of the Dikika area are in the background.
In Memorium