

Anti-Malarials Databases


Prepared by Lena Lim in Mike Gelb's lab, Univ. of Washington (gelb@chem.washington.edu)


Funding from the Medicines for Malaria Venture, Geneva



The databases below provide a summary of anti-malarial compounds that have been reported in the literature. Included are chemical structures and in vitro and in vivo data on anti-malarial potency. Pharmacokinetic data is not provided; however, the route of dosing in animal studies is provided when available and should provide some feeling for the pharmacokinetics of the compound. Toxicology data is not provided at this time. Each database entry shows the most potent compound (or one of the most potent compounds) taken from each literature article.

Each database consists of an Excel table (PC or MAC version) and can be downloaded to your computer. You should also download the README file (see below) that contains information about the content and coverage of the database and how the information was obtained. We expect to add more databases to the list over the next ~1-2 years with coverage of the primary literature as well as the patent literature.

The main motivation behind the creation of these databases stems from the feeling that a number of malaria drug development programs from the past have been prematurely terminated because of various reasons including lack of financial interest in discovering drugs for developing countries. Thus, it is reasonable to presume that there may be some "gems" in the literature that can be developed further into an anti-malarial clinical candidate. Scientists are encouraged to browse through these databases as a way to generate ideas for the initiation of a new anti-malarial drug development program.


List of available downloadable databases