Political legal dis/order in times of warfare and emergencies
- multivariate qualitative models that combine sociopolitical
and legal variables that are significantly contributing to dis/order.
Political elite and ‘rally around the flag’ phenomenon
- multivariate quantitative and qualitative models, which explain how
political elite are using economic factors and military force to control
the polity.
Legitimacy sources of Supreme Courts - mythological sources
- how myths are shaping judicial legitimacy in addition to and relative
to diffuse and specific sources of judicial legitimacy.
Non-judicial legal institutions and political conflicts
- How institutions alike central banks, state comptroller and government
lawyers are acquiring and maintaining power.
Human rights – universalism and its contexts
- Unveiling issues around citizenship and human rights in political conflicts.
Law and communities - how non-ruling communities may attain justice?
- A critical communitarian theory that analyzes and explicates the contributions
of non-ruling communities to social justice and equality.
Law and Religion – the place of religion in law
- A genealogical explication of religion in law from ancient times to
Political corruption
- Analysis of cultural, institutional and social class origins of political
corruption among the general elite and the public.
Lawyers and the liberal project
- How lawyers affect liberal democracy both as economic entrepreneurs
and as political agents.
Law rights in cyberspace
- How cyberspace forms and shapes power, regulation and legal rights.
The epistemology of law and society scholarship
- Which epistemological mechanisms generate various types of knowledge
that are produced by scholars
of law and society.
The genealogy of law in political power
- How law and politics have interacted in order to form boundaries of