Upcoming conferences/workshops:
- IJCNLP 2017: 11/20-11/24/2017, Taipei, Taiwan
- ACL 2017:
7/30-8/4/2017 at Vancouver, Canada
- EACL 2017:
4/3-4/7/2017 at Valencia, Spain
- ComputEL-2:
3/6-3/7/2017, Honolulu, Hawaii
Past events:
- COLING 2016:
12/11-12/16/2016 at Osaka, Japan
- EMNLP 2016:
11/1-11/5/2016 at Austin, Texas
- ACL 2016: 8/7-8/12/2016 at Berlin, Germany
- NAACL 2016:
6/12-6/17/2016 at San Diego, CA
- LREC 2016:
5/23-5/28/2016 at Portoroz, Slovenia
- EMNLP 2015:
9/19-9/21/2015 at Lisbon, Portugal
- ACL 2015: 7/26-7/31/2015
at Beijing, China
- NAACL 2015:
5/31-6/5/2015 at Denver, Colorado
- CICLing 2015:
4/14-4/20/2015 at Cairo, Egypt
- EMNLP 2014: 10/26-10/28/2014 at Doha, Qatar
- COLING 2014: 8/23-8/30/2014 at Dublin, Ireland
- ACL 2014: 6/22-6/27/2014 at Baltimore, MD, USA
- LREC 2014: 5/26-5/31/2014 at Reykjavik, Iceland
- EACL 2014: 4/26-4/30/2014 at Gothenburg, Sweden
- AMIA 2013: 11/16-11/20/2013, Washington D.C.
- EMNLP 2013: 10/18-10/21/2013, Seattle
- IJCNLP 2013: 10/15-10/17/2013, Nagoya, Japan
- CNCCL 2013: 10/10-10/12/2013, Suzhou, China
- HIAI 2013 in conjunction with AAAI: 7/14-7/15/2013, Bellevue, WA, USA
- ACL 2013: 8/4-8/9/2013, Sofia, Bulgaria
- NAACL 2013: 6/9-6/14/2013, Atlanta, GA, USA
- COLING 2012:
12/08-12/15/2012, Mumbai, India
- AMIA 2012:
11/03-11/07/2012, Chicago, USA
- TAG+ 2012:
09/26-09/28/2012, Paris, France
- ACL 2012:
7/08-7/14/2012, Jeju Island, Korea
- NAACL 2012: 6/03-6/08/2012, Montreal, Canada
- LREC 2012:
5/21-5/27/2012, Istanbul, Turkey
- EACL 2012:
4/23-4/27/2012, Avignon, France
- TAC 2011:
11/14-11/15/2011, Gaithersburg, Maryland
- IJCNLP 2011:
11/08-11/13/2011, Chiang Mai, Thailand
- AMIA 2011:
10/22-10/26/2011, Washington, DC
Events that I (co-)organized in the past:
- CLP 2012:
12/20-12/21/2012, Tianjin, China
- LAW 2012:
in conjunction with ACL 2012, 7/12-7/13/2012, Jeju Island, Korea
- Workshop on South Asian Languages: Formal Approaches and Computational Resources, in
conjunction with the 2011 Linguistic Summer Institute, Boulder, Colorado. July
23, 2011.
- Workshop on
NLP and Linguistics: Finding the Common Ground, in conjunction with ACL
2010, Uppsala, Sweden, July 16, 2010. (Sponsored by NSF)
- The Third Workshop on Issues in Teaching Computational Linguistics, In conjunction with ACL-2008, Columbus,
OH, June 19-20, 2008
- Workshop
on Treebank Annotation, at NAACL 2007, Rochester, NY, April 26, 2007.
(Sponsored by NSF)
- The 2nd
SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing (SIGHAN-2003), in
conjunction with ACL-2003, Sapporo, Japan, July 11-12, 2003.
- The 2nd Chinese
Language Processing Workshop (CLP-2000), in conjunction with ACL 2000, Hong
Kong, October 8, 2000.
- The 1st Chinese Language Processing
Workshop (CLP-1998), Philadelphia, PA, June 30-July 2, 1998.
Last modified on 10/08/2016