Upcoming conferences/workshops:

  1. IJCNLP 2017: 11/20-11/24/2017, Taipei, Taiwan
  2. ACL 2017: 7/30-8/4/2017 at Vancouver, Canada
  3. EACL 2017: 4/3-4/7/2017 at Valencia, Spain
  4. ComputEL-2: 3/6-3/7/2017, Honolulu, Hawaii

Past events:

  1. COLING 2016: 12/11-12/16/2016 at Osaka, Japan
  2. EMNLP 2016: 11/1-11/5/2016 at Austin, Texas
  3. ACL 2016: 8/7-8/12/2016 at Berlin, Germany
  4. NAACL 2016: 6/12-6/17/2016 at San Diego, CA
  5. LREC 2016: 5/23-5/28/2016 at Portoroz, Slovenia

  6. EMNLP 2015: 9/19-9/21/2015 at Lisbon, Portugal
  7. ACL 2015: 7/26-7/31/2015 at Beijing, China
  8. NAACL 2015: 5/31-6/5/2015 at Denver, Colorado
  9. CICLing 2015: 4/14-4/20/2015 at Cairo, Egypt

  10. EMNLP 2014: 10/26-10/28/2014 at Doha, Qatar
  11. COLING 2014: 8/23-8/30/2014 at Dublin, Ireland
  12. ACL 2014: 6/22-6/27/2014 at Baltimore, MD, USA
  13. LREC 2014: 5/26-5/31/2014 at Reykjavik, Iceland
  14. EACL 2014: 4/26-4/30/2014 at Gothenburg, Sweden

  15. AMIA 2013: 11/16-11/20/2013, Washington D.C.
  16. EMNLP 2013: 10/18-10/21/2013, Seattle
  17. IJCNLP 2013: 10/15-10/17/2013, Nagoya, Japan
  18. CNCCL 2013: 10/10-10/12/2013, Suzhou, China
  19. HIAI 2013 in conjunction with AAAI: 7/14-7/15/2013, Bellevue, WA, USA
  20. ACL 2013: 8/4-8/9/2013, Sofia, Bulgaria
  21. NAACL 2013: 6/9-6/14/2013, Atlanta, GA, USA
  22. COLING 2012: 12/08-12/15/2012, Mumbai, India
  23. AMIA 2012: 11/03-11/07/2012, Chicago, USA
  24. TAG+ 2012: 09/26-09/28/2012, Paris, France
  25. ACL 2012: 7/08-7/14/2012, Jeju Island, Korea
  26. NAACL 2012: 6/03-6/08/2012, Montreal, Canada
  27. LREC 2012: 5/21-5/27/2012, Istanbul, Turkey
  28. EACL 2012: 4/23-4/27/2012, Avignon, France

  29. TAC 2011: 11/14-11/15/2011, Gaithersburg, Maryland
  30. IJCNLP 2011: 11/08-11/13/2011, Chiang Mai, Thailand
  31. AMIA 2011: 10/22-10/26/2011, Washington, DC

Events that I (co-)organized in the past:

  1. CLP 2012: 12/20-12/21/2012, Tianjin, China
  2. LAW 2012: in conjunction with ACL 2012, 7/12-7/13/2012, Jeju Island, Korea
  3. Workshop on South Asian Languages: Formal Approaches and Computational Resources, in conjunction with the 2011 Linguistic Summer Institute, Boulder, Colorado. July 23, 2011.
  4. Workshop on NLP and Linguistics: Finding the Common Ground, in conjunction with ACL 2010, Uppsala, Sweden, July 16, 2010. (Sponsored by NSF)
  5. The Third Workshop on Issues in Teaching Computational Linguistics, In conjunction with ACL-2008, Columbus, OH, June 19-20, 2008
  6. Workshop on Treebank Annotation, at NAACL 2007, Rochester, NY, April 26, 2007. (Sponsored by NSF)
  7. The 2nd SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing (SIGHAN-2003), in conjunction with ACL-2003, Sapporo, Japan, July 11-12, 2003.
  8. The 2nd Chinese Language Processing Workshop (CLP-2000), in conjunction with ACL 2000, Hong Kong, October 8, 2000.
  9. The 1st Chinese Language Processing Workshop (CLP-1998), Philadelphia, PA, June 30-July 2, 1998.

Last modified on 10/08/2016