Homework 1
Read J&M Chapter 9 before working on Ex 1-3.
(a) POS tags:
- N, V, P (preposition), Adj, Adv, Pron, Det, Conj
- CD (cardinal number), PDT (pre-determiner), RP (particle), etc.
(b) Syntactic tags: NP, VP, PP, AdjP, AdvP, S, etc.
There are no unique answers for the parse trees. You will get full credits as long as the
parse trees look reasonable.
(a) S => NP VP
(b) NP => N
(c) NP => Det N
(d) NP => NP PP
(e) VP => V NP
(f) VP => VP PP
(g) PP => P NP
(h) N => book / Mary / store / card
(i) Det => the
(j) V => bought / is / was
(k) P => in/with
Examples: (each sentence is worth 2 points)
Mary bought the book in the store
The book bought Mary # it is semantically odd, but grammatical
Mary bought the book in the store with the card
Note: sentences such as “Mary is in the store” cannot be generated by the grammar, because generating such a sentence requires either “VPèV PP” or “VPèV”. Neither rule is in the current grammar.
“Ungrammatical” sentences mean the sentences that are ungrammatical with respect to English. In other words, English native speakers will say those sentences are illegal.
Some examples: (each sentence is worth 5 points)
Mary bought book in store
The Mary bought book
(This part is worth 5 points)
Singular nouns such as “book”/”store” need to follow a determiner in English, but the CFG above does not require that. Similarly, proper names such as “Mary” do not need the “determiner”.
Possible solutions: split symbols (e.g., split the tag N into many subclasses), or extend CFG to allow features.
(a) The/Det car/N killed/V the/Det duck/N
(b) The/Det duck/N died/V under/P her/Pron car/N
(c) We/Pron duck/V under/P the/Det car/N
(d) We/Pron retrieve/V the/Det poor/Adj duck/N
Calculate the following probabilities: %%% Each prob is worth 5 points.
1. P (w2=duck | w1= the) = 2/5
2. P (w1=the | w2 = duck) = 2/4 = 1/2
3. P (w2 = duck | t2 = N) = 3/6 = 1/2
4. P (w2 = duck | t1 = Det) = 2/5
5. P (t2 = V | t1 = N) = 2/6 = 1/3
6. P (t2 = P | t1 = V, t0 = N) = ½