Homework 1
Read J&M Chapter 9 before working on Ex 1-3.
(a) POS tags:
- N, V, P (preposition), Adj, Adv, Pron, Det, Conj
- CD (cardinal number), PDT (pre-determiner), RP (particle), etc.
(b) Syntactic tags: NP, VP, PP, AdjP, AdvP, S, etc.
(a) S => NP VP
(b) NP => N
(c) NP => Det N
(d) NP => NP PP
(e) VP => V NP
(f) VP => VP PP
(g) PP => P NP
(h) N => book / Mary / store / card
(i) Det => the
(j) V => bought / is / was
(k) P => in/with
(a) The/Det car/N killed/V the/Det duck/N
(b) The/Det duck/N died/V under/P her/Pron car/N
(c) We/Pron duck/V under/P the/Det car/N
(d) We/Pron retrieve/V the/Det poor/Adj duck/N
Calculate the following probabilities:
1. P (w2=duck | w1= the)
2. P (w1=the | w2 = duck)
3. P (w2 = duck | t2 = N)
4. P (w2 = duck | t1 = Det)
5. P (t2 = V | t1 = N)
6. P (t2 = P | t1 = V, t0 = N)