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Proceedings of the Sixth Linguistic Annotation Workshop

Nancy Ide (Vassar College)
Fei Xia (University of Washington)

Full proceedings volume (PDF)
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Bibliography (BibTeX)
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pdf bib Front matter pages
pdf bib The Role of Linguistic Models and Language Annotation in Feature Selection for Machine Learning
James Pustejovsky
pp. 1–1
pdf bib Who Did What to Whom? A Contrastive Study of Syntacto-Semantic Dependencies
Angelina Ivanova, Stephan Oepen, Lilja Øvrelid and Dan Flickinger
pp. 2–11
pdf bib Prague Markup Language Framework
Jirka Hana and Jan Štěpánek
pp. 12–21
pdf bib Exploiting naive vs expert discourse annotations: an experiment using lexical cohesion to predict Elaboration / Entity-Elaboration confusions
Clémentine Adam and Marianne Vergez-Couret
pp. 22–30
pdf bib Pair Annotation: Adaption of Pair Programming to Corpus Annotation
Isin Demirsahin, Ihsan Yalcinkaya and Deniz Zeyrek
pp. 31–39
pdf bib Structured Named Entities in two distinct press corpora: Contemporary Broadcast News and Old Newspapers
Sophie Rosset, Cyril Grouin, Karën Fort, Olivier Galibert, Juliette Kahn and Pierre Zweigenbaum
pp. 40–48
pdf bib Intra-Chunk Dependency Annotation : Expanding Hindi Inter-Chunk Annotated Treebank
Prudhvi Kosaraju, Bharat Ram Ambati, Samar Husain, Dipti Misra Sharma and Rajeev Sangal
pp. 49–56
pdf bib A Model for Linguistic Resource Description
Nancy Ide and Keith Suderman
pp. 57–66
pdf bib A GrAF-compliant Indonesian Speech Recognition Web Service on the Language Grid for Transcription Crowdsourcing
Bayu Distiawan and Ruli Manurung
pp. 67–74
pdf bib Towards Adaptation of Linguistic Annotations to Scholarly Annotation Formalisms on the Semantic Web
Karin Verspoor and Kevin Livingston
pp. 75–84
pdf bib Intonosyntactic Data Structures: The Rhapsodie Treebank of Spoken French
Kim Gerdes, Sylvain Kahane, Anne Lacheret, Paola Pietandrea and Arthur Truong
pp. 85–94
pdf bib Annotation Schemes to Encode Domain Knowledge in Medical Narratives
Wilson McCoy, Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm, Cara Calvelli, Rui Li, Jeff B. Pelz, Pengcheng Shi and Anne Haake
pp. 95–103
pdf bib Usability Recommendations for Annotation Tools
Manuel Burghardt
pp. 104–112
pdf bib Search Result Diversification Methods to Assist Lexicographers
Lars Borin, Markus Forsberg, Karin Friberg Heppin, Richard Johansson and Annika Kjellandsson
pp. 113–117
pdf bib Simultaneous error detection at two levels of syntactic annotation
Adam Przepiórkowski and Michał Lenart
pp. 118–123
pdf bib Exploring Temporal Vagueness with Mechanical Turk
Yuping Zhou and Nianwen Xue
pp. 124–128
pdf bib Developing Learner Corpus Annotation for Korean Particle Errors
Sun-Hee Lee, Markus Dickinson and Ross Israel
pp. 129–133
pdf bib Annotating Archaeological Texts: An Example of Domain-Specific Annotation in the Humanities
Francesca Bonin, Fabio Cavulli, Aronne Noriller, Massimo Poesio and Egon W. Stemle
pp. 134–138
pdf bib Annotating Preferences in Chats for Strategic Games
Anais Cadilhac, Nicholas Asher and Farah Benamara
pp. 139–143
pdf bib Morpheme Segmentation in the METU-Sabancı Turkish Treebank
Ruket Cakici
pp. 144–148
pdf bib AlvisAE: a collaborative Web text annotation editor for knowledge acquisition
Frédéric Papazian, Robert Bossy and Claire Nédellec
pp. 149–152
pdf bib CSAF - a community-sourcing annotation framework
Jin-Dong Kim and Yue Wang
pp. 153–156
pdf bib Dependency Treebank of Urdu and its Evaluation
Riyaz Ahmad Bhat and Dr. Dipti Misra Sharma
pp. 157–165
pdf bib Annotating Coordination in the Penn Treebank
Wolfgang Maier, Sandra Kübler, Erhard Hinrichs and Julia Kriwanek
pp. 166–174
pdf bib Annotating Particle Realization and Ellipsis in Korean
Sun-Hee Lee and Jae-Young Song
pp. 175–183
pdf bib Annotation of Adversarial and Collegial Social Actions in Discourse
David Bracewell, Marc Tomlinson, Mary Brunson, Jesse Plymale, Jiajun Bracewell and Daniel Boerger
pp. 184–192

Last modified on May 30, 2012, 1:05 a.m.