Fritz Scholz

Affiliate Professor
Department of Statistics
e-mail: fritz at stat dot washington dot edu
or fscholz at u dot washington dot edu

Short Vita
Vordiplom (pre-diploma) in Mathematics and Physics (1965) University of Göttingen, Germany.
Ph.D. in Statistics (1971), Department of Statistics, University of California, Berkeley,
with thesis on Comparison of Optimal Location Estimators.
Assistant Professor at the UW Mathematics Department 1972-78.
Joined the Applied Statistics Group at Boeing in 1978
Boeing Technical Fellow (1991), retired from Boeing, September 2006.
Fellow of the American Statistical Association (1997).
Starting in 1980 taught part time in the newly formed UW Department of Statistics
while working at Boeing and also after retiring from Boeing until 2019.
Work and research interest while at Boeing:
Bootstrap methods, reliability theory, Weibull analysis, software reliability, statistical tolerancing,
extreme value analysis, quality control.

Published papers:
  • A Comparison of Efficient Location Estimators,
    The Annals of Statistics, Vol. 2 No. 6, 1974.
  • Weighted Median Regression Estimates,
    The Annals of Statistics, Vol. 6 No. 3, 1978.
  • Combining Independent P-Values,
    A Festschrift for Erich L. Lehmann
    In Honor of His Sixty-Fifth Birthday
    Editors: Peter J. Bickel, Kjell Doksum, J.L. Hodges, Jr.
    The Wadsworth Statistics/Probability Series, 1983.
  • Software Reliability: Additional Investigations into Modeling with Replicated Experiments,
    P.M. Nagel, F.W. Scholz, J.A. Skrivan
    NASA Contractor Report 172378, 1984.
  • Maximum Likelihood Estimation,
    Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Vol. 5,
    Editors-In-Chief: Samuel Kotz & Norman L. Johnson, Associate Editor: Campbell B. Read,
    Wiley Interscience, 1985.
  • Tolerance Bounds for Log Gamma Regression Models,
    Robert A. Jones, F. W. Scholz, Mina Ossiander, Galen R. Shorack,
    Technometrics, Vol. 27, No. 2, 1985.
  • Software Reliability Modeling and Analysis,
    IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. SE-12, No. 1, 1986.
  • K-Sample Anderson-Darling Tests,
    F. W. Scholz and M. A. Stephens,
    Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 82, No. 399, 1987.
  • Characterization of the Weibull Distribution
    Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 10, 1990.
  • The Undoing of Maurice G. Kendall,
    William G. Fortney, Steven Hotovy, Fritz Klein and Fritz Scholz
    Chance: New Direction for Statistical Computing, Vol. 5, NO. 3-4, 1992.
  • On Exactness of the Parametric Double Bootstrap
    Statistica Sinica, 477-492, 1994.
  • Case Study in Statistical Tolerancing
    Manufacturing Review, Vol. 7, No. 1, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1994.
  • Techniques for Composing a Class of Statistical Tolerance Zones,
    Vijay Srinivasan, Michael A. O'Connor, and Fritz W. Scholz
    Advanced Tolerancing Techniques, Editor: Hong-Chao Zhang, Wiley Interscience, 1997.
  • Tolerance Bounds and Cpk Confidence Bounds Under Batch Effects,
    Fritz Scholz and Mark Vangel.
    Advances in Stochastic Models for Reliability, Quality and Safety.
    Editors: W. Kahle, E. von Collani, J. Franz, and U. Jensen
    Birhäuser, Boston,pp. 361-379, 1998.
  • Unified Confidence Bounds for Censored Weibull Data with Covariates,
    Dresdner Schriften zur Mathematischen Stochastik,
    Ausgewählte Beiträge des Workshops "Stochastische Modelle und ihre Anwendungen"
    zusammengestellt von D. Ferger und J. Franz, pp.7-49, 2001.
    For full manuscript see under Reports.
  • Small Sample Uni- and Multivariate Control Charts for Means,
    F.W. Scholz and T.J. Tosch
    Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the ASA, 2003.
  • University of Washington Department of Statistics,
    Michael D. Perlman, Fritz W. Scholz and Galen R. Shorack,
    Strength in Numbers: The Rising of Academic Statistics Departments in the U.S.,
    Springer Science+Business Media, 2013.
  • Inference for the Weibull Distribution: A tutorial,
    The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, Vol. 11, no. 3, 2015.
  • On Steel's Test with Ties,
    arXiv, 2023.
    Some reports/papers:
  • The Bootstrap Small Sample Properties.
  • Unified Confidence Bounds for Censored Weibull Data With Covariates.
  • Tolerance Bounds and Cpk Confidence Bounds under Batch effects.
  • Hole Pinning Clearance.
  • Hole Alignment Tolerance Stacking Issues.
  • Tolerance Stack Analysis Methods.
  • Small Sample Uni- and Multivariate Control Charts for Means.
  • Applications of the Noncentral t-Distribution.
  • Nonparametric Tail Extrapolation.
  • Etymology of Terms in Statistics and Probability .
    Some Presentations:
  • Statistics in Aviation, Celebrating 100 Years of Flight,
    Keynote address at the Spring Research Conference in Dayton 2003.
  • A Career in Statistics , Thursday, February 23, 2006,
  • Undergraduate Mathematical Sciences Seminar at the University of Washington,
    Thursday, Feb. 3, 2011.
    Brass Grain Probes (Triers):
    I ran across the following sampling devices at the Museum of the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) and on the web.
    Exhibit Label, Probe 1 , Probe 2 , Probe 3 , Probe 4 , Probe 5
    Presumably there is a strong connection to the German term "Stichprobe" for sample.
    I have transcribed to LaTeX the unpublished Bell Labroratories Memorandum The Infinitesimal Jackknife by Louis Jaeckel.
