Spectral Methods
Spectral methods employ Chebyshev polynomials and the Fast Fourier Transform and are quite useful for hyperbolic or parabolic problems on rectangular domains[Gottlieb and Orszag, 1977]. The Chebyshev polynomial of degree n is defined by
The first few polynomials are
They satisfy the orthogonality condition
where the constants are given by
When solving a differential equation for f(x,t), for example, the function f is expanded in Chebyshev polynomials
Various derivatives are also expanded in Chebyshev polynomials. For differential operator L we write formally
For specific cases [Gottlieb and Orszag, p. 160, 1977] the relations between the coefficients of the function (an ) and the derivatives (bn) are given by
Derivatives can be evaluated even more efficiently using a recursion relation. When
we can use [Gottlieb and Orszag, p. 117, 1977]
This recurrence relation is assured by
In the Chebyshev collocation method we use the N+1 collocation points
As an example, consider the equation
We use an explicit method in time
and evaluate this at each collocation point
The trial function is taken as
We assume that we have values ujn at some time. Then we invert equation (1) using the fast Fourier transform to obtain {ap} for p = 0, 1, ..., N. We then calculate Sp
and finally
Thus the first derivative is given by
This is evaluated at the set of collocation points by using the fast Fourier transform again. Once the function and the derivative is known at each collocation point the solution can be advanced forward to the n+1-st time level.
The advantage of the spectral method is that it is very fast and can be adapted quite well to parallel computers. It is, however, restricted in the geometries that can be handled.