Matlab code
File: solve_proj.m
- %
filename solve_proj.m
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- %
- % *
Oxidization of Ammonia to Nitric Oxide *
- %
- %
f(1:6)= Flow rate of: 1-NH3 2-O2 3-NO 4-H2O 5-N2 6-H2
- %
f(7)=pressure f(8)=temperature
- %------------------------------------------------------------------
- clear all
- global H cpT P
- format long
- %
- %
Reactor Parameters, in "cm"
- Length=1.;
- Height=4.e-3;
- Width=3.e-2;
- P=2*(Height+Width); % perimeter
- A=Height*Width; % area
- %
- % Inlet
- Q=100.; % Volume flow
rate, "L/hour"
- T0=673; %
temperature, "K"
- p0=[0.046 0.069 0 0 0
0]; % pressure, "torr"
- p0T=sum(p0);
- f0T=p0T*101325/760 *
Q/(1000*3600) / (8.3145*T0); % mole flow rate,
- %
- % Heat
Capacity & Reaction Heat
- cp(1:6)=[8.38 7.016
7.133 8.025 6.961 6.889]; % "cal/(K.mol)"
- dHf(1:6)=[-11.02 0
21.57 -57.796 0 0]; % "kcal/mol"
- dHf=dHf*1000;
- cpT=0;
- for i=1:6
- cpT=cpT+p0(i)*cp(i)/p0T;
- end
- H(1)=dHf(3)+1.5*dHf(4)-dHf(1)-1.25*dHf(2);
- H(2)=1.25*dHf(5)+1.5*dHf(4)-dHf(1)-1.5*dHf(3);
- H(3)=0.5*dHf(5)+1.5*dHf(6)-dHf(1);
- %
- %
- for i=1:6
- f0(i)=f0T*p0(i)/p0T;
- end
- f0(7)=p0T;
- f0(8)=T0;
- options=odeset('AbsTol',[1e-15 1e-12 1e-12 1e-12
1e-12 1e-12 1e-12 1e-10]);
- [z,f]=ode45('rhs_proj',[0 Length], f0, options);
- %
- %
- % If
index=1; plot flow rate (all components)~z
- % `` 2;
`` flow rate (NH3 & NO only )~z
- % `` 3;
`` T ~ z
- % ``
else; `` p ~ z
- index=2;
- if index==1
- plot(z,f(:,1),'k-',z,f(:,2),'m:',z,f(:,3),'c-.',z,f(:,4),'r--',z,f(:,5),'y-',z,f(:,6),'b-.','LineWidth',1)
- title('Flow rate
vs. z')
- xlabel('z (cm)')
- ylabel('flow rate
- legend('NH3','O2','NO','H2O','N2','H2')
- else if index==2
- plot(z,f(:,1),'m-',z,f(:,3),'b:','LineWidth',1)
- title('Flow rate
vs. z')
- xlabel('z (cm)')
- ylabel('flow rate
- legend('NH3','NO')
- else if index==3
- plot(z,f(:,8),'LineWidth',2)
- xlabel('z (cm)')
- ylabel('T (K)')
- title('T ~ z')
- else
- plot(z,f(:,7),'LineWidth',2)
- xlabel('z (cm)')
- ylabel('total p
- title('Total p ~ z')
- end
- end
- end
- %
- %
Conversion, NO yield & Selectivity
- m=size(z);
- mm=m(1);
- format compact
- conversion=1.-f(mm,1)/f0(1)
- selectivity=4/5*(f0(2)-f(mm,2))/(f0(1)-f(mm,1))
- yield_NO=f(mm,3)/f0(1) % in
"mol/(mol NH3 in)"
- Texit=f(mm,8)
File: rhs_proj.m
- %
filename rhs_proj
- function fdot=rhs_proj(z,f)
- % 1-NH3
2-O2 3-NO 4-H2O 5-N2 6-H2 7-pressure 8-temperature
- global H cpT P
- R=1.987;
- pT=f(7);
- T=f(8);
- fT=0;
- for i=1:6
- fT=fT+f(i);
- end
- for i=1:6
- y(i)=f(i)/fT;
- p(i)=pT*y(i);
- end
- RT=R*T;
- %
- %
Reaction rate
- r11=3.4e-8*exp(21700/RT)*p(1)*p(2)^0.5;
- r12=1+0.08*exp(4400/RT)*p(2)^0.5;
- r13=1+1.6e-3*exp(25500/RT)*p(1);
- r(1)=r11/(r12*r13);
- r21=3.36e-9*exp(26000/RT)*p(1)*p(3);
- r22=1+5.4e-2*exp(10900/RT)*p(2)+4.5e-6*exp(20900/RT)*p(1);
- r(2)=r21/r22^2;
- r31=4.4e-6*exp(-570/RT)*p(1);
- r(3)=r31/r22;
- %r(2)=0;
% use this if neglecting 2nd reaction
- %r(3)=0;
% use this if neglecting 3rd reaction
- HT=0;
- for i=1:3
- HT=HT-H(i)*r(i);
- end
- %
- % Rate
of change for f
- fdot(1)=P*(-r(1)-r(2)-r(3));
- fdot(2)=P*(-1.25*r(1));
- fdot(3)=P*(r(1)-1.5*r(2));
- fdot(4)=P*(1.5*r(1)+1.5*r(2));
- fdot(5)=P*(1.25*r(2)+0.5*r(3));
- fdot(6)=P*(1.5*r(3));
- fdot(7)=-0.115/2;
- fdot(8)=P*HT/cpT/fT;
- %fdot(7)=0;
% use this if neglecting pressure change
- %fdot(8)=0;
% use this if neglecting temperature change
- fdot=fdot';