• Summary
  • Thermodynamics
  • Shortcut Equations
  • Component Table


    The column is sized using the procedures in Rathore, et al., A.I.Ch.E. J. 20 491 [1974]. Capital costs are scaled accordingly to the CE index. Operating costs are scaled with the price of steam, cooling water, and refrigerant. The utility temperatures are set by a schedule depending on the bottoms and overhead temperatures.

    Column Cost



    Condenser overall heat transfer coefficient = 100 Btu/hr.ft 2 oF

    Reboiler overall heat transfer coefficient = 80 Btu/hr.ft 2 oF


    Operating costs

    Basis: 8500 hours operation per year

    cooling water at 24 cents per 1000 gallons ($0.60/10 6 Btu); heated from 70 to 120oF

    refrigerant at - 40oF costs $10.80 /10 6 Btu

    steam at 1250 psia costs $3.61 /1000 lb. ($6.00/10 6 Btu)

    Adjustments to operating costs are made according to the following schedule


    Condenser Coolant Temp. Cost
    Temp (oF) In (oF) Out(oF) ($/106 Btu)
    140 ² T 70 120 0.6
    100 ² T < 140 70 T - 20 0.6 x 50/(T-90)
    40 ² T < 100 20 20 5.61
    10 ² T < 40 -10 -10 8.04
    -20 ² T < 10 -40 -40 10.8
    -80 ² T < -20 -100 -100 17.61
    -130 ² T < -80 -150 -150 25.32
    T < -130 T - 20 T - 20 8.44 (330/T(oR))3

    Reboiler operating costs


    Reboiler Steam Cost
    Temp (oF) Temp(oF) pres.(psia) ($/106 Btu)
    552 ² T 1540 fired heater 6
    450 ² T < 552 572 1250 6
    428 ² T < 450 470 515 5.22
    346 ² T < 428 448 420 4.98
    273 ² T < 346 366 165 3.75
    220 ² T < 273 293 60 2.79
    192 ² T < 220 240 25 2.03
    70 ² T < 192 212 14.7 1.302
    50 ² T < 70 use hot cooling water
    tin=120-T tout-100-T -0.6 x 50/(100-T)
    T < 50 tin = 120-T tout=70-T -0.6

    Equivalent Uniform Annual Cost (EUAC)



    E = operating expenses

    R = revenue (here zero)

    t = tax rate (default 40% )

    D = depreciation ( here = (W - Sv) / n )

    Sv = salvage value ( default 0.1W )

    io = internal interest rate (default 9% )

    n = project lifetime (default 5 years )

    W = capital cost = purchased cost x Lang factor (default 5.0)

    ( J.F. Valle - Riestra, Project evaluation in the Chemical Process Industries,

    McGraw-Hill, 1983, p. 569.