CHEM E 475 These questions pertain to the polymerization reactor as described by Hoftyzer and Zwietering, Chem. Eng. Sci., vol. 14, 241 (1961). The non-dimensional equations describing the relationship between x and y are:
The following parameters apply:
19. Prepare a graph of xs versus y0 for x0 = 0.05 following the figure from Hoftyzer and Zwietering. Also prepare a graph of ys versus y0 for x0 = 0.05. (Adiabatic Case) For the steady state, adiabatic case equations (1) and (2) become:
Now, solving (3) for y0 and (4) for ys yields:
From these equations, the following graphs can be charted. For xs as a function of y0 for x0 = 0.05: For ys as a function of y0 for x0 = 0.05: 20. Solve for the steady state [non-dimensional] concentration and [non-dimensional] temperature when y0 = 10-16 and xo = 0.05. From the graphs in problem 19, it is evident there are 4 solutions to this problem: However, due to the huge gradient very close to xs=0.05, the solutions in that area could not be calculated. The values where xs > 0.06 are as follows:
(Using tolerances of 1 x 10-8 to 1 x 10-9 showed agreement to 6 significant figures) 21. Consider the reactor when the heat removal term just balances the heat generation term so that the temperature is constant. Prepare a graph of ys versus y0 for xo = 0.05 under these conditions. If dx/dz is zero, then xs = x0 for all z. Therefore equation (3) becomes:
When solved for ys, equation (7) yields:
Which is a linear relationship with y0. The following graph illustrates this: Appendix, Calculations The following Matlab functions were created for accomplishing this homework: To solve Equation (5): function
yo=yo19(xs) To solve Equation (6) function
ys=ys19(xs) To help solve equation (5) for a given y0 value. function
yo_diff = search20(xs) To solve equation (8): function
ys=ys21(yo) Checking yo19 and ys19 by hand:
From the Matlab command line: EDUª ys19( 0.06 ) ans = 7.529974185646778e-015 EDUª yo19( 0.06 ) ans = 7.630247500989692e-015 Which appear to agree. Check search20 by hand:
EDUª search20( 0.06 ) ans = -7.530247500989694e+001 Which appears to agree as well. Finally checking ys21: (Which loses significant figures on my calculator, the exponential value is of the order of 1.1 x 10-24 which is lost in the 3 x 10-18 term-) From the Matlab command line: EDUª ys21( 1e-13 ) ans = 9.999982433155688e-014 Which has more precision than my hand calculator. The numbers for problem 19 were generated with the following script: for i = 1:200 %also (1:400) xs( i ) = ( i + 2 ) / 1000 ; %also (i+20)/100 ys( i ) = ys19( xs( i ) ) ; yo( i ) = yo19( xs( i ) ) ; end xs = xs' ys = ys' yo = yo' plot(yo,xs) and then copied into Excel for graphing. The numbers for Problem 20 were obtained by the following: EDUª xs = fzero( 'search20', 0.048, 1e-8 ) xs = 6.905973044876815e-002 EDUª xs = fzero( 'search20', 0.048, 1e-9 ) xs = 6.905973044877588e-002 EDUª xs = fzero( 'search20', 2.0, 1e-8 ) xs = 2.580376338595115e+000 EDUª xs = fzero( 'search20', 2.0, 1e-9 ) xs = 2.580376338595115e+000 EDUª ys19( xs ) ans = 8.475846061828390e-034 The following script was used to generate the data for problem 21. for i = 1:180 yo( i ) = 10 ^ ( - i /10 ) ; ys( i ) = ys21( yo( i ) ) ; end yo = yo' ys = ys' Return to Polymerization Page |