Eric Zivot's Working Papers

Last updated: December 31, 1998

  1. Title: The Power of Single Equation Tests for Cointegration when the Cointegrating Vector is Prespecified.
  2. Title: Cointegration and Forward and Spot Exchange Rate Regressions.


  3. Title: Asymptotic Distributions of Dummy Variable Coefficients in Unit Root Regressions with Level and Trend Breaks.


  4. Title: Bayesian and Classical Approaches to Instrumental Variables Regression

We estabilsh the relationships between certain Bayesian and classical approaches to instrumental variables regression. We determine the form of priors that lead to posteriors for structural paameters that have similar properties as classical 2SLS and LIML and in doing so provide some new insight to the small sample behavior of Bayesian and classical procedures in the limited information simultaneous equations model. Our approach is motivated by the relationship between Bayesian and classical procedures in linear regression models: i.e., Bayesian analysis with a diffuse prior leads to posteriors that are identical in form to the finite sample density of classical least squares estimators. We use the fact that the instrumental variables regression model can be obtained from a reduced rank restriction on a multivariate linear model to determine the priors that give rise to posteriors that have properties similar to classical 2SLS and LIML. As a by-product of this approach we provide a novel way to dtermine the exact finite sample density of the LIML estimator and theprior that corresponds with classical LIML. We show that the traditional Dreze (1976) and a new Bayesian Two Stage approach are similar to 2SLS whereas the approach based on the Jeffreys' prior corresponds to LIML.


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