Portfolio Theory with No-Short Sales

Eric Zivot

August 11, 2015

Set options and load packages

options(digits=3, width=70)
# install IntroCompFinR package from R-forge
# use install.packages("IntroCompFinR", repos="http://R-Forge.R-project.org")
## Loading required package: xts
## Loading required package: zoo
## Attaching package: 'zoo'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     as.Date, as.Date.numeric
## Attaching package: 'PerformanceAnalytics'
## The following object is masked from 'package:graphics':
##     legend
cex.val = 2

Three asset example data

Estimates of CER model for Microsoft, Nordstrom and Starbucks stock from monthly returns over the period January 1995 to January 2000.

asset.names <- c("MSFT", "NORD", "SBUX")
mu.vec = c(0.0427, 0.0015, 0.0285)
names(mu.vec) = asset.names
sigma.mat = matrix(c(0.0100, 0.0018, 0.0011,
           0.0018, 0.0109, 0.0026,
           0.0011, 0.0026, 0.0199),
         nrow=3, ncol=3)
dimnames(sigma.mat) = list(asset.names, asset.names)
r.f = 0.005
##   MSFT   NORD   SBUX 
## 0.0427 0.0015 0.0285
sd.vec = sqrt(diag(sigma.mat))
##       MSFT  NORD  SBUX
## MSFT 1.000 0.172 0.078
## NORD 0.172 1.000 0.177
## SBUX 0.078 0.177 1.000

Risk return characteristics

Random portfolios: no short sales

x.msft = runif(400, min=0, max=1)
x.nord = runif(400, min=0, max=1)
x.sbux = 1 - x.msft - x.nord
long.only = which(x.msft > 0 & x.nord > 0 & x.sbux > 0)
x.msft = x.msft[long.only]
x.nord = x.nord[long.only]
x.sbux = x.sbux[long.only]
## [1] 191

Random portfolios: no short sales

# plot portfolio weights
chart.StackedBar(cbind(x.msft, x.nord, x.sbux), 
                 main="Random long-only portfolio weight vectors",
                 xlab = "portfolio", ylab = "weights",

Risk-return characteristics: long-only random portfolios

Global minimum variance portfolio: no constraints on short sales

Use the IntroCompFinR package function globalMin.portfolio()

gmin.port = globalMin.portfolio(mu.vec, sigma.mat)
## Call:
## globalMin.portfolio(er = mu.vec, cov.mat = sigma.mat)
## Portfolio expected return:     0.0249 
## Portfolio standard deviation:  0.0727 
## Portfolio weights:
## 0.441 0.366 0.193

Use the quadprog function solve.QP() to compute global minimum variance portfolio

First we set up the appropriate restriction matrices required by the function slove.QP()

D.mat = 2*sigma.mat
d.vec = rep(0, 3)
A.mat = cbind(rep(1,3), diag(3))
b.vec = c(1, rep(0,3))
##        MSFT   NORD   SBUX
## MSFT 0.0200 0.0036 0.0022
## NORD 0.0036 0.0218 0.0052
## SBUX 0.0022 0.0052 0.0398
## [1] 0 0 0
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    1    1
## [2,]    1    0    0
## [3,]    0    1    0
## [4,]    0    0    1
## [1] 1 0 0 0

Use the quadprog function solve.QP() to compute global minimum variance portfolio

The function solve.QP() takes the restrictions matrices as inputs

## function (Dmat, dvec, Amat, bvec, meq = 0, factorized = FALSE) 

solve.QP() returns a list containing information about the optimization

qp.out = solve.QP(Dmat=D.mat, dvec=d.vec,
                  Amat=A.mat, bvec=b.vec, meq=1)
## [1] "list"

The components of the returned list are

## [1] "solution"               "value"                 
## [3] "unconstrained.solution" "iterations"            
## [5] "Lagrangian"             "iact"

The portfolio weights are in the solution component

## [1] 0.441 0.366 0.193

The solution satisfies the required constraints (weights sum to one and all weights are positive)

## [1] 1

The minimized value of the objective function (portfolio variance) is in the value component

## [1] 0.00528

Use the quadprog function solve.QP() to compute global minimum variance portfolio

Compute the mean and volatility of the minimum variance portfolio

# Expected return
er.gmin.ns = as.numeric(crossprod(qp.out$solution, mu.vec))
# Volatility
sd.gmin.ns = sqrt(qp.out$value)
## [1] 0.0249
## [1] 0.0727

Use the IntroCompFinR function globalMin.Portfolio() to compute the minimum variance portfolio

Use the optional argument shorts=TRUE to impose no-short sales restrictions

## function (er, cov.mat, shorts = TRUE) 

The function sets up the restriction matrices for solve.QP() to compute the global minimum variance portfolio.

gmin.port = globalMin.portfolio(mu.vec, sigma.mat,
## Call:
## globalMin.portfolio(er = mu.vec, cov.mat = sigma.mat, shorts = FALSE)
## Portfolio expected return:     0.0249 
## Portfolio standard deviation:  0.0727 
## Portfolio weights:
## 0.441 0.366 0.193

Compute minimum variance portfolio with same mean as Microsoft

First find the minimum variance portfolio allowing short sales

eMsft.port = efficient.portfolio(mu.vec, sigma.mat, target.return = mu.vec["MSFT"])
## Call:
## efficient.portfolio(er = mu.vec, cov.mat = sigma.mat, target.return = mu.vec["MSFT"])
## Portfolio expected return:     0.0427 
## Portfolio standard deviation:  0.0917 
## Portfolio weights:
##    MSFT    NORD    SBUX 
##  0.8275 -0.0907  0.2633

Compute minimum variance portfolio with same mean as Microsoft

First we set up the appropriate restriction matrices required by the function slove.QP()

D.mat = 2*sigma.mat
d.vec = rep(0, 3)
A.mat = cbind(mu.vec, rep(1,3), diag(3))
b.vec = c(mu.vec["MSFT"], 1, rep(0,3))
##        MSFT   NORD   SBUX
## MSFT 0.0200 0.0036 0.0022
## NORD 0.0036 0.0218 0.0052
## SBUX 0.0022 0.0052 0.0398
## [1] 0 0 0
##      mu.vec        
## MSFT 0.0427 1 1 0 0
## NORD 0.0015 1 0 1 0
## SBUX 0.0285 1 0 0 1
##   MSFT                             
## 0.0427 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Compute minimum variance portfolio with same mean as Microsoft

Next we use solve.QP() to find the solution

qp.out = solve.QP(Dmat=D.mat, dvec=d.vec,
                  Amat=A.mat, bvec=b.vec, meq=2)
names(qp.out$solution) = names(mu.vec)
round(qp.out$solution, digits=3)
##    1    0    0

Compute minimum variance portfolio with same mean as Microsoft

The IntroCompFinR function efficient.portfolio() with shorts=FALSE uses solve.QP() to compute a no-short sales efficient portfolio

efficient.portfolio(mu.vec, sigma.mat, target.return = mu.vec["MSFT"], shorts = FALSE)
## Call:
## efficient.portfolio(er = mu.vec, cov.mat = sigma.mat, target.return = mu.vec["MSFT"], 
##     shorts = FALSE)
## Portfolio expected return:     0.0427 
## Portfolio standard deviation:  0.1 
## Portfolio weights:
##    1    0    0

Infeasible no-short sale efficient portfolio

Suppose you try to find an efficient portfolio with target return higher than the mean for Microsoft

# efficient.portfolio(mu.vec, sigma.mat, target.return = mu.vec["MSFT"]+0.01, shorts = FALSE)
# Error in quadprog::solve.QP(Dmat = Dmat, dvec = dvec, Amat = Amat, bvec = bvec,  : 
#  constraints are inconsistent, no solution!

Compute efficient frontier allowing for short sales

Use the IntroCompFinR function efficient.frontier() to compute the efficient set of frontier portfolios that allow short sales

ef = efficient.frontier(mu.vec, sigma.mat, alpha.min=0, 
                         alpha.max=1, nport=10)
##          MSFT    NORD  SBUX
## port 1  0.827 -0.0907 0.263
## port 2  0.785 -0.0400 0.256
## port 3  0.742  0.0107 0.248
## port 4  0.699  0.0614 0.240
## port 5  0.656  0.1121 0.232
## port 6  0.613  0.1628 0.224
## port 7  0.570  0.2135 0.217
## port 8  0.527  0.2642 0.209
## port 9  0.484  0.3149 0.201
## port 10 0.441  0.3656 0.193

Compute efficient frontier allowing for short sales

Compute efficient frontier without short sales

It is easy to compute the efficient frontier without short sales by running a simple loop

mu.vals = seq(gmin.port$er, max(mu.vec), length.out=10)
w.mat = matrix(0, length(mu.vals), 3)
sd.vals = rep(0, length(sd.vec))
colnames(w.mat) = names(mu.vec)
D.mat = 2*sigma.mat
d.vec = rep(0, 3)
A.mat = cbind(mu.vec, rep(1,3), diag(3))
for (i in 1:length(mu.vals)) {
  b.vec = c(mu.vals[i],1,rep(0,3))
  qp.out = solve.QP(Dmat=D.mat, dvec=d.vec,
                    Amat=A.mat, bvec=b.vec, meq=2)
  w.mat[i, ] = qp.out$solution
  sd.vals[i] = sqrt(qp.out$value)

Compare frontiers

Compute efficient frontier without short sales

ef.ns = efficient.frontier(mu.vec, sigma.mat, alpha.min=0, 
                         alpha.max=1, nport=10, shorts=FALSE)
##          MSFT   NORD  SBUX
## port 1  0.441 0.3656 0.193
## port 2  0.484 0.3149 0.201
## port 3  0.527 0.2642 0.209
## port 4  0.570 0.2135 0.217
## port 5  0.613 0.1628 0.224
## port 6  0.656 0.1121 0.232
## port 7  0.699 0.0614 0.240
## port 8  0.742 0.0107 0.248
## port 9  0.861 0.0000 0.139
## port 10 1.000 0.0000 0.000

Copmpare efficient frontiers

plot(ef$sd, ef$er, type="b", ylim=c(0.001, 0.05), xlim=c(0.06, 0.15), 
     pch=16, col="blue", cex=2, ylab=expression(mu[p]), xlab=expression(sigma[p]))
points(sd.vec, mu.vec, pch=16, col="black", cex=2)
text(sd.vec, mu.vec, labels=asset.names, pos=4)
points(ef.ns$sd, ef.ns$er, type="b", pch=16, col="red")
text(ef$sd[1], ef$er[1], labels="port 10", col="blue", pos=3)
text(ef$sd[2], ef$er[2], labels="port 9", col="blue", pos=3)
text(ef.ns$sd[10], ef.ns$er[10], labels="port 10", col="red", pos=1)
text(ef.ns$sd[9], ef.ns$er[9], labels="port 9", col="red", pos=1)