Eric Zivot
Thursday, February 17, 2016
options(digits=3, width=70)
# install IntroCompFinR package from R-forge
# use install.packages("IntroCompFinR", repos="")
## Loading required package: xts
## Loading required package: zoo
## Attaching package: 'zoo'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## as.Date, as.Date.numeric
## Warning: package 'mvtnorm' was built under R version 3.2.3
## Attaching package: 'PerformanceAnalytics'
## The following object is masked from 'package:graphics':
## legend
# get data from IntroCompFin package
data(msftDailyPrices, sp500DailyPrices, sbuxDailyPrices)
msftPrices = to.monthly(msftDailyPrices, OHLC=FALSE)
sp500Prices = to.monthly(sp500DailyPrices, OHLC=FALSE)
sbuxPrices = to.monthly(sbuxDailyPrices, OHLC=FALSE)
# set sample to match book chapter
smpl = "1998-01::2012-05"
msftPrices = msftPrices[smpl]
sp500Prices = sp500Prices[smpl]
sbuxPrices = sbuxPrices[smpl]
# calculate returns
msftRetS = na.omit(Return.calculate(msftPrices, method="simple"))
sp500RetS = na.omit(Return.calculate(sp500Prices, method="simple"))
sbuxRetS = na.omit(Return.calculate(sbuxPrices, method="simple"))
msftRetC = log(1 + msftRetS)
sp500RetC = log(1 + sp500RetS)
sbuxRetC = log(1 + sbuxRetS)
# merged data set
cerRetS = merge(msftRetS, sbuxRetS, sp500RetS)
cerRetC = merge(msftRetC, sbuxRetC, sp500RetC)
colnames(cerRetS) = colnames(cerRetC) = c("MSFT", "SBUX", "SP500")
head(cerRetC, n=3)
## Feb 1998 0.12786 0.0793 0.06808
## Mar 1998 0.05421 0.1343 0.04874
## Apr 1998 0.00689 0.0610 0.00904
my.panel <- function(...) {
plot.zoo(cerRetC, col="blue", lwd=2, main="", panel=my.panel, type="l")
pairs(coredata(cerRetC), col="blue", cex=1.25, pch=16)
# Estimate mean (mu)
muhat = apply(cerRetC,2,mean)
## 0.00413 0.01466 0.00169
# Estimate variance (sigma^2)
sigma2hat = apply(cerRetC,2,var)
## 0.01004 0.01246 0.00235
# Estimate volatility (sigma)
sigmahat = apply(cerRetC,2,sd)
## 0.1002 0.1116 0.0485
plot(sigmahat, muhat, col="blue", pch=16, cex=2,
ylim=c(0, 0.015), xlim=c(0, 0.12))
text(sigmahat, muhat, labels=colnames(cerRetC), pos=4)
Assets with highest means also have highest volatilities
covmat = var(cerRetC)
## MSFT 0.01004 0.00381 0.00300
## SBUX 0.00381 0.01246 0.00248
## SP500 0.00300 0.00248 0.00235
cormat = cor(cerRetC)
## MSFT 1.000 0.341 0.617
## SBUX 0.341 1.000 0.457
## SP500 0.617 0.457 1.000
covhat = covmat[lower.tri(covmat)]
rhohat = cormat[lower.tri(cormat)]
names(covhat) <- names(rhohat) <-
## msft,sbux msft,sp500 sbux,sp500
## 0.00381 0.00300 0.00248
## msft,sbux msft,sp500 sbux,sp500
## 0.341 0.617 0.457
n.obs = nrow(cerRetC)
seMuhat = sigmahat/sqrt(n.obs)
cbind(muhat, seMuhat)
## muhat seMuhat
## MSFT 0.00413 0.00764
## SBUX 0.01466 0.00851
## SP500 0.00169 0.00370
Estimated SE values are large compared to estimates. Do not estimate mean values very well.
seSigma2hat = sigma2hat/sqrt(n.obs/2)
seSigmahat = sigmahat/sqrt(2*n.obs)
cbind(sigma2hat, seSigma2hat, sigmahat, seSigmahat)
## sigma2hat seSigma2hat sigmahat seSigmahat
## MSFT 0.01004 0.001083 0.1002 0.00540
## SBUX 0.01246 0.001344 0.1116 0.00602
## SP500 0.00235 0.000253 0.0485 0.00261
Estimated SE values for volatility are small compared to estimates. Estimate volatility well.
seRhohat = (1-rhohat^2)/sqrt(n.obs)
cbind(rhohat, seRhohat)
## rhohat seRhohat
## msft,sbux 0.341 0.0674
## msft,sp500 0.617 0.0472
## sbux,sp500 0.457 0.0603
Estimated standard errors for correlations are somewhat small compared to estimates. Notice how standard error is smallest for the largest correlation estimate.
lowerMu = muhat - 2*seMuhat
upperMu = muhat + 2*seMuhat
widthMu = upperMu - lowerMu
cbind(lowerMu, upperMu, widthMu)
## lowerMu upperMu widthMu
## MSFT -0.01116 0.01941 0.0306
## SBUX -0.00237 0.03168 0.0341
## SP500 -0.00570 0.00908 0.0148
Wide 95% confidence intervals for the mean implies imprecise estimates. Notice that the confidence interval width is smallest for the S&P 500 index (why?)
# confidence intervals for sigma^2
lowerSigma2 = sigma2hat - 2*seSigma2hat
upperSigma2 = sigma2hat + 2*seSigma2hat
widthSigma2 = upperSigma2 - lowerSigma2
cbind(lowerSigma2, upperSigma2, widthSigma2)
## lowerSigma2 upperSigma2 widthSigma2
## MSFT 0.00788 0.01221 0.00433
## SBUX 0.00978 0.01515 0.00538
## SP500 0.00184 0.00286 0.00101
# confidence intervals for sigma
lowerSigma = sigmahat - 2*seSigmahat
upperSigma = sigmahat + 2*seSigmahat
widthSigma = upperSigma - lowerSigma
cbind(lowerSigma, upperSigma, widthSigma)
## lowerSigma upperSigma widthSigma
## MSFT 0.0894 0.1110 0.0216
## SBUX 0.0996 0.1237 0.0241
## SP500 0.0432 0.0537 0.0105
Confidence intervals for sigma are narrow. Estimates are precise.
lowerRho = rhohat - 2*seRhohat
upperRho = rhohat + 2*seRhohat
widthRho = upperRho - lowerRho
cbind(lowerRho, upperRho, widthRho)
## lowerRho upperRho widthRho
## msft,sbux 0.206 0.476 0.270
## msft,sp500 0.523 0.712 0.189
## sbux,sp500 0.337 0.578 0.241
Confidence intervals are not too wide and contain all positive values. Hence, estimates are moderately precise.
mu = 0.05
sigma = 0.10
n.obs = 100
n.sim = 1000
sim.means = rep(0,n.sim) # initialize vectors
mu.lower = rep(0,n.sim)
mu.upper = rep(0,n.sim)
qt.975 = qt(0.975, n.obs-1)
for (sim in 1:n.sim) {
sim.ret = rnorm(n.obs,mean=mu,sd=sigma)
sim.means[sim] = mean(sim.ret)
se.muhat = sd(sim.ret)/sqrt(n.obs)
mu.lower[sim] = sim.means[sim]-qt.975*se.muhat
mu.upper[sim] = sim.means[sim]+qt.975*se.muhat
hist(sim.means, col="cornflowerblue", ylim=c(0,40),
main="", xlab="muhat", probability=TRUE)
abline(v=mean(sim.means), col="white", lwd=4, lty=2)
# overlay normal curve
x.vals = seq(0.02, 0.08, length=100)
lines(x.vals, dnorm(x.vals, mean=mu, sd=sigma/sqrt(100)), col="orange", lwd=2)
Approximate expected value, bias, SE, and 95% CI coverage probability
mean(sim.means) # MC expected value
## [1] 0.0497
mean(sim.means) - mu # MC bias
## [1] -0.00031
sd(sim.means) # MC SE
## [1] 0.0104
sigma/sqrt(n.obs) # true SE(muhat)
## [1] 0.01
# 95% CI coverage probability
in.interval = mu >= mu.lower & mu <= mu.upper
## [1] 0.931
# Evaluation of bias
mean(sim.sigma2) # true sigma^2 = 0.01
## [1] 0.00999
mean(sim.sigma2) - sigma^2 # MC bias for sigma^2
## [1] -9.87e-06
mean(sim.sigma) # true sigma = 0.1
## [1] 0.0997
mean(sim.sigma) - sigma # MC bias for sigma
## [1] -0.000278
# Evaluation of SE
sd(sim.sigma2) # MC SE for sigma^2
## [1] 0.00135
sigma^2/sqrt(n.obs/2) # Asymptotic SE
## [1] 0.00141
sd(sim.sigma) # MC SE for sigma
## [1] 0.00676
sigma/sqrt(2*n.obs) # Asymptotic SE
## [1] 0.00707
# Evaluation of 95% Confidence Interval for sigma2
in.interval = sigma^2 >= sigma2.lower & sigma^2 <= sigma2.upper
## [1] 0.951
# Evaluation of 95% Confidence Interval for sigma
in.interval = sigma >= sigma.lower & sigma <= sigma.upper
## [1] 0.963
True value is 0.75
mean(sim.corrs) # true value is 0.75
## [1] 0.747
mean(sim.corrs) - rho12 # bias
## [1] -0.00315
sd(sim.corrs) # MC SE
## [1] 0.045
(1-rho12^2)/sqrt(n.obs) # Asymptotic SE
## [1] 0.0437
# Evaluation of 95% Confidence Interval for rho
in.interval = (rho12 >= rho.lower) & (rho12 <= rho.upper)
## [1] 0.952
n.obs = length(msftRetC)
muhatS = colMeans(cerRetS)
sigmahatS = apply(cerRetS, 2, sd)
qhat.05 = muhatS + sigmahatS*qnorm(0.05)
qhat.01 = muhatS + sigmahatS*qnorm(0.01)
seQhat.05 = (sigmahatS/sqrt(n.obs))*sqrt(1 + 0.5*qnorm(0.05)^2)
seQhat.01 = (sigmahatS/sqrt(n.obs))*sqrt(1 + 0.5*qnorm(0.01)^2)
seQhat.001 = (sigmahatS/sqrt(n.obs))*sqrt(1 + 0.5*qnorm(0.001)^2)
qhat.001 = muhatS + sigmahatS*qnorm(0.001)
cbind(qhat.05, seQhat.05, qhat.01, seQhat.01, qhat.001, seQhat.001)
## qhat.05 seQhat.05 qhat.01 seQhat.01 qhat.001 seQhat.001
## MSFT -0.1578 0.01187 -0.227 0.01490 -0.304 0.01860
## SBUX -0.1587 0.01276 -0.233 0.01602 -0.316 0.02000
## SP500 -0.0758 0.00559 -0.108 0.00702 -0.145 0.00876
SE values for 1% quantiles and bigger than SE values for 5% quantiles
# 5% quantiles
lowerQhat.05 = qhat.05 - 2*seQhat.05
upperQhat.05 = qhat.05 + 2*seQhat.05
widthQhat.05 = upperQhat.05 - lowerQhat.05
cbind(lowerQhat.05, upperQhat.05, widthQhat.05)
## lowerQhat.05 upperQhat.05 widthQhat.05
## MSFT -0.1815 -0.1341 0.0475
## SBUX -0.1842 -0.1331 0.0511
## SP500 -0.0869 -0.0646 0.0224
# 1% quantiles
lowerQhat.01 = qhat.01 - 2*seQhat.01
upperQhat.01 = qhat.01 + 2*seQhat.01
widthQhat.01 = upperQhat.01 - lowerQhat.01
cbind(lowerQhat.01, upperQhat.01, widthQhat.01)
## lowerQhat.01 upperQhat.01 widthQhat.01
## MSFT -0.257 -0.1972 0.0596
## SBUX -0.265 -0.2010 0.0641
## SP500 -0.122 -0.0943 0.0281
# 95% CI for .1% quantile
lowerQhat.001 = qhat.001 - 2*seQhat.001
upperQhat.001 = qhat.001 + 2*seQhat.001
widthQhat.001 = upperQhat.001 - lowerQhat.001
cbind(lowerQhat.001, upperQhat.001, widthQhat.001)
## lowerQhat.001 upperQhat.001 widthQhat.001
## MSFT -0.342 -0.267 0.0744
## SBUX -0.356 -0.276 0.0800
## SP500 -0.162 -0.127 0.0350
95% confidence intervals are somewhat large