Editing for Higher-Order Concerns

Higher-order concerns are those which deal with macro-level or "big picture" issues. Revising and editing for higher-order concerns involves identifying and correcting substantive problems such as poor format and design, unclear organization of information, and inadequate development of ideas. A complete description of such higher-order concerns is provided below in the form of questions one should answer when revising/editing.

1. Does the document fulfill the assignment in content and form?

2. Does the document have a clearly stated purpose, and content which fulfills this objective?

3. Does the document contain a clear, consistent pattern of organization (outlined by descriptive headings)?

4. Does the content of the paragraphs fulfill the "promise" of their respective topic sentences (and headings)?

5. Does the document include all of the required and/or appropriate components?

6. Does the document contain connecting devices which enhance document clarity, unity and coherence?