VCIC Class page


My office hours are Wednesdays 4:30-5:20pm or anytime by appointment.

Syllabus Updated 10/19 Please check!

Class discussion page (Post your bio!! And say whether you want to be on a competitive team or not)

Two Highly recommended books :      Term Sheet & Valuations by Alex Wilmerding

                                                            Deal Terms by Alex Wilmerding


Class 1: Intro to Venture Capital

Class 2: Intro to Venture Capital II

Class 3: Investment, valuation and term sheet intro

Class 5: Intro to Valuation


The Lingo

Investment words

Private Equity Glossary




VentureXpert  provides data on venture capital,  information on venture capital firms and the companies they have invested in.

Price Waterhouse Statistics on Venture investment

National Venture Capital Association

VC Experts

Red Herring VC section


Local Organizations you should check out

Northwest Entrepreneur Network

MIT Forum

WSA (Washington Software Association)


BLOGS (Read them for what they’re worth)

Recommended by John Cook at the PI (A must read from the reporters at the SJ-Merc News) (not all VC related, but a good read) (David Cowan at Bessemer) (BusinessWeek)


Recommended by Greg Gottesman at Madrona

Brad Feld's blog


Recommended by Brad Feld  at Mobius Venture Capital

Fred Wilson -

Seth Levine -

Bill Burnham -

VentureBlog -



Recommended by Patrick Ennis at Arch Venture Partners

Technet (The voice of the innovation economy)