Table of Contents
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
“It’s the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine)…”Adventures in technology start-ups
A survey and an apology
Sleepy time version
PCs in Use Worldwide (M)
Internet: Big, getting bigger
Value creation
Value creation (?)
This has gotta be wrong, or does it?
Why investors love Microsoft (and tecchnology in general)
Traditional framework
Traditional “Rules”
The virtuous cycle
Remember that framework slide?
The New Rules???
More new rules?
Remember concentration of winnings?
Why big companies will die
Being “boring” isn’t all that bad
Yeah, but we’re a start-up!
What’s hot now?
Feature vs. product vs. company
Service vs. Product
Remember virtuous cycles: partnering
When bad things happen to little companies
Getting started
Think about…