

Environmental Innovation Practicum

ENTRE 490/579 ENGR 498 and ENVIR 450


Class meets Fall Quarter 2010

Tuesdays   4:00-5:50 pm,  Johnson 175

Instructor:  Emer Dooley (emer@u.washington.edu), 206 369-7248

Reading Packet available: RAMS 4144 University Way



The goal of this practicum is to discover the universe of clean-tech solutions to environmental challenges and to put you on a path to competing in the third UW Environmental Innovation Challenge event to be held at the UW in April 2011.

The seminar will consist of a selection of required readings and a series of industry experts who will speak on a specific clean-tech topic each week.


You will work in teams to present a proposed clean-tech solution to an environmental problem. The final deliverable for the class is a 5-10 minute presentation.

The presentation should cover

·         The extent of the problem and how it is manifested

·         Your proposed solution

·         What’s involved in implementing the solution? 

·         What will your prototype be? (Only if you plan to enter the Environmental Innovation Challenge)

·         Solutions that have been tried already and why yours is better/cheaper/faster or just more interesting.

·         Is there a market for this?


Grading: The class will be graded as follows:

Class participation is vital.

30%   5 Weekly quizzes on the assigned readings. The quiz will take place in the first 15 minutes of each class. Read materials in advance and come prepared. If you miss a class you must submit a 1-page paper on the topic discussed and take the quiz.


10%   1- page reflection during the quarter on a class speaker. Choose any speaker on any topic and in one page write how this affected your thinking about the space and why. Due the last day of the quarter.


10%    1-2 page bullet-pointed summary of speaker’s main points to be posted on the class webpage. Each student will be assigned a day to cover.


20%    Project/topic-area proposal on November 9th. On Nov 9th we will have an industry panel in to help you hone your ideas about your final project proposal. For this class you will need to have formed teams and use the presentation outline above. The goal of this session is to give you feedback and direction on your project, suggest people you can speak with who can help and possibly set you up with a mentor. It is expected that your ideas will be very preliminary at this stage.


30%    December 7.  Final team project proposal.  This will be a 5-10 minute presentation with more detail  than the Nov 9 session.







October 5

Class 1 Slides

Class 1 Notes: Collette Duck

Class 1 Notes: Ruz Chishty

Denis Hayes, President and CEO,

Bullitt Foundation

October 12


Life Cycle Analysis

Read: Excerpt from Collapse by Jared Diamond

Class 2 Notes: Elliott Goodrich

Class 2 Notes: Sandy Oh

David Smukowski, CEO Sensors in Motion.

October 19


Bio fuel and Bio Algae Products

Read: US Department of Energy: Biodiesel

Hoby Douglas Slides

Stan Barnes, Founder and CEO BioAlgene and Hoby Douglass
Director, Sustainable Business Development, General BioDiesel.

October 26


Nuclear Options: Terra Power

Read: Nuclear Energy Explained

Read: Nuclear Reactor Renaissance, IEEE Spectrum, August 2010

Patrick Ennis, Global head of Technology for Intellectual Ventures

November 2



Smart Grid Technologies

Read: Mc Kinsey on Smart Grid , McKinsey, June 2010

Peter Christansen


November 9



Student Preliminary presentations and coaching

Coaches: Joshua Binder, Boeing; Dana Soukup, Siemens; George Pfeiffer, Siemens; Brian Dawson, Calico Energy; Tom Ranken, Washington CleanTech

November 16


Electric Vehicles

Read: JOLT!: The Impending Dominance Of The Electric Car And Why America Must Take Charge: Chapters 2,3 and 4.

Jim Billmaier, author of JOLT.

November 23



Greg Whiting

November 30



Funding for Clean Tech Innovation

Global Trends in Sustainable Energy 2010

Kirk Van Alstyne, Evolution Capital and others and Brad Zenger, Pivotal Investments

December 7


Group Presentation and coaching

Coaches: Joshua Binder, Boeing. Brian Dawson, Calico Energy; Tom Ranken, Washington CleanTech