Simulation of effects of wood microstructure on water transport

Craig A. Aumann * and E. David Ford
* Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton AB, T6G 2E9, Canada.

Tree Physiology 26: 285-301, 2006.


A tracheid-level model was used to quantify the effects of differences in wood microstructure between coastal and interior Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco var. menziesii and var. glauca) wood on larger scale properties like hydraulic conductivity. The model showed that tracheid length, the ease of flow through a bordered pit and effective tracheid diameter can all limit maximum hydraulic conductivity. Among the model parameters tested, increasing bordered pit conductivity and tracheid length resulted in the greatest increase in maximum conductivity in both the inland and coastal ecotypes. A sensitivity analysis of the uncertainty between parameters governing flow through the bordered pit and air-seeding potential showed that, although decreased pit flow resistance increased maximum hydraulic conductivity, increased cavitation led to lower conductivity over time. T he benefits of increasing the number of bordered pits depended on the intensity of the meteorological driving function: in drier environmental conditions, wood with fewer pits was more conductive over time than wood with more pits. Switching the bordered pit characteristics between coastal and interior wood indicated that the conductivity time course of coastal and interior wood was primarily governed by differences in the number of bordered pits and not differences in tracheid dimensions. The rate at which tracheids refilled had little effect on the conductivity time course of either coastal or interior wood during the first two summers when the wood was highly saturated, but had a marked influence in subsequent years once the cavitation profile stabilized. Our work highlights the need for more empirical work on bordered pits to determine whether variation in their number and properties is related to changing environmental conditions. In addition, a detailed simulation model of a bordered pit is needed to understand how variation in pit properties affects the relationship between ease of flow through a bordered pit and its potential for facilitating air-seeding.