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You should end up with a file called bysent that contains something like this:


#Set perl to paragraph mode and multiline matches. 
$/ = "";   #paragraph mode
$* = 1;    #multiline matches

#Open the input file. 

open(INPUT, "senttest");

#Open the output file.

open(OUTPUT, ">senttest.out");

#While there are paragraphs in the input file, take them one at a time and: 

while (<INPUT>) {

#   Reformat them. 

    s/\n/ /g;     #replace all existing newlines with space
    s/\. /\.\n/g; #put a newline after all periods, and get rid of the extra space

#   Print them to the output file. 

    print OUTPUT; 

#Close the input and output files.

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Emily M. Bender
Last modified: Fri Dec 8 11:59:38 2000