Sample DELPH-IN outputs using ERG 15-June-2011 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sentence 6: Contact lenses come in small, light packages that are easy to ship through the mail. Derivation tree: (ROOT_INFORMAL (6944 SB-HD_MC_C 15.0863 0 15 (6916 HDN_BNP_C 0.937757 0 2 (6915 N-HDN_CPD_C 0.423823 0 2 (164 CONTACT_N1 0 0 1 ("contact" 162)) (6914 N_PL_OLR 0.068902 1 2 (166 LENS_N1 0 1 2 ("lenses" 122))))) (6943 HD-AJ_INT-UNSL_C 13.5386 2 15 (6942 HD_OPTCMP_C 0.682234 2 3 (6917 V_N3S-BSE_ILR 1.17344 2 3 (192 COME_V1 0.504124 2 3 ("come" 138)))) (6939 HD-CMP_U_C 11.4503 3 15 (239 IN -0.97146 3 4 ("in" 140)) (6938 HDN_BNP_C 12.4389 4 15 (6937 AJ-HDN_ADJN_C 11.9301 4 15 (6918 W_COMMA-NF_PLR 0 4 5 (250 SMALL_A1 0 4 5 ("small," 132))) (6936 AJ-HDN_NORM_C 10.6175 5 15 (254 LIGHT_A1 0 5 6 ("light" 142)) (6935 HDN-AJ_RC_C 10.6175 6 15 (6920 HDN_OPTCMP_C 0.568555 6 7 (6919 N_PL_OLR 0.794509 6 7 (262 PACKAGE_N1 0.00123173 6 7 ("packages" 124)))) (6934 FLR-HD_REL-FIN_C 9.9455 7 15 (6921 HDN_BNP-QNT_C 0.721032 7 8 (286 THAT_R 0.0530253 7 8 ("that" 144))) (6933 HD_XSB-FIN_C 8.67548 8 15 (6932 HD-CMP_U_C 7.90433 8 15 (288 BE_C_ARE -0.572128 8 9 ("are" 126)) (6931 HD-CMP_U_C 6.22801 9 15 (6922 HD_OPTCMP_C 0.214628 9 10 (297 EASY_A3 0.110409 9 10 ("easy" 146))) (6930 HD-CMP_U_C 4.62624 10 15 (324 TO_C_PROP -0.226692 10 11 ("to" 128)) (6929 HD-AJ_INT-UNSL_C 1.52655 11 15 (6924 HD_XCMP_C -0.77142 11 12 (6923 V_N3S-BSE_ILR -0.421203 11 12 (343 SHIP_V2 -0.401947 11 12 ("ship" 148)))) (6928 HD-CMP_U_C 1.34907 12 15 (346 THROUGH 0.939867 12 13 ("through" 150)) (6927 SP-HD_N_C -0.272844 13 15 (363 THE_1 -0.793879 13 14 ("the" 130)) (6926 W_PERIOD_PLR 0.414498 14 15 (6925 N_MS-CNT_ILR -0.0707526 14 15 (375 MAIL_N1 -0.194867 14 15 ("mail." 134)))))))))))))))))))) Labeled parse tree: (S (NP (N (N ("contact")) (N (N ("lenses"))))) (VP (VP (V (V ("come")))) (PP (P ("in")) (NP (N (AP (AP ("small,"))) (N (AP ("light")) (N (N (N (N ("packages")))) (S (NP (N ("that"))) (S/NP (VP/NP (V/NP ("are")) (AP (ADJ (ADJ ("easy"))) (VP/N (COMP/N ("to")) (VP/N (VP/N (V/N (V/N ("ship")))) (PP (P ("through")) (NP (DET ("the")) (N (N (N ("mail."))))))))))))))))))) MRS: (x5), h7:compound_rel<0:14>(e9, x5, x8), h10:udef_q_rel<0:7>(x8, h11, h12), h13:_contact_n_1_rel<0:7>(x8), h7:_lens_n_1_rel<8:14>(x5:3:PL:+, h4, h6), h14:_come_v_1_rel<15:19>(e2:PROP:PRES:INDICATIVE:-:-, x5), h14:_in_p_rel<20:22>(e15, e2, x16), h17:udef_q_rel<23:84>(x16, h18, h19), h20:_small_a_1_rel<23:29>(e21, x16), h20:_light_a_of_rel<30:35>(e22, x16), h20:_package_n_of_rel<36:44>(x16:3:PL:+, i23), h20:_easy_a_for_rel<54:58>(e25:PROP:PRES:INDICATIVE:-:-, h24, i26), h27:_ship_v_cause_rel<62:66>(e28:PROP:UNTENSED:INDICATIVE:-:-, p29, x16), h27:_through_p_rel<67:74>(e30, e28, x31), h32:_the_q_rel<75:78>(x31, h34, h33), h35:_mail_n_1_rel<79:84>(x31:3:SG)}, {h34 QEQ h35, h24 QEQ h27, h18 QEQ h20, h11 QEQ h13, h4 QEQ h7}> Elementary dependencies: {e2: x5:udef_q<0:14>[] e9:compound<0:14>[ARG1 x5:_lens_n_1, ARG2 x8:_contact_n_1] x8:udef_q<0:7>[] e2:_come_v_1<15:19>[ARG1 x5:_lens_n_1] e15:_in_p<20:22>[ARG1 e2:_come_v_1, ARG2 x16:_package_n_of] x16:udef_q<23:84>[] e21:_small_a_1<23:29>[ARG1 x16:_package_n_of] e22:_light_a_of<30:35>[ARG1 x16:_package_n_of] e25:_easy_a_for<54:58>[ARG1 e28:_ship_v_cause] e28:_ship_v_cause<62:66>[ARG2 x16:_package_n_of] e30:_through_p<67:74>[ARG1 e28:_ship_v_cause, ARG2 x31:_mail_n_1] x31:_the_q<75:78>[] }