Sample DELPH-IN outputs using ERG 15-June-2011 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sentence 5: Contact lenses come in small, light packages that are easy to ship through the mail and they require frequent replacement by the user. Derivation tree: (ROOT_INFORMAL (20363 CL-CL_CRD-T_C 19.6026 0 23 (20362 SB-HD_MC_C 13.2494 0 15 (20312 HDN_BNP_C 0.795502 0 2 (20311 N-HDN_CPD_C 0.375734 0 2 (234 CONTACT_N1 0.249269 0 1 ("contact" 232)) (20310 N_PL_OLR 0.068902 1 2 (236 LENS_N1 0 1 2 ("lenses" 172))))) (20361 HD-AJ_INT-UNSL_C 11.9335 2 15 (20360 HD_OPTCMP_C 0.531245 2 3 (20313 V_N3S-BSE_ILR 1.50089 2 3 (262 COME_V1 0.504124 2 3 ("come" 202)))) (20334 HD-CMP_U_C 10.8778 3 15 (309 IN -0.97146 3 4 ("in" 204)) (20333 HDN_BNP_C 12.0289 4 15 (20332 AJ-HDN_ADJN_C 11.5201 4 15 (20314 W_COMMA-NF_PLR 0 4 5 (320 SMALL_A1 0 4 5 ("small," 196))) (20331 AJ-HDN_NORM_C 10.2075 5 15 (324 LIGHT_A1 0 5 6 ("light" 206)) (20330 HDN-AJ_RC_C 10.2075 6 15 (20316 HDN_OPTCMP_C 0.568555 6 7 (20315 N_PL_OLR 0.794509 6 7 (332 PACKAGE_N1 0.00123173 6 7 ("packages" 174)))) (20329 FLR-HD_REL-FIN_C 9.53548 7 15 (20317 HDN_BNP-QNT_C 0.721032 7 8 (356 THAT_R 0.0530253 7 8 ("that" 208))) (20328 HD_XSB-FIN_C 8.26546 8 15 (20327 HD-CMP_U_C 7.49431 8 15 (358 BE_C_ARE 1.00175 8 9 ("are" 176)) (20326 HD-CMP_U_C 5.81799 9 15 (20318 HD_OPTCMP_C 0.214628 9 10 (367 EASY_A3 0.110409 9 10 ("easy" 210))) (20325 HD-CMP_U_C 4.21623 10 15 (394 TO_C_PROP -0.226692 10 11 ("to" 178)) (20324 HD-AJ_INT-UNSL_C 1.11653 11 15 (20320 HD_XCMP_C -0.77142 11 12 (20319 V_N3S-BSE_ILR -0.421203 11 12 (413 SHIP_V2 -0.401947 11 12 ("ship" 212)))) (20323 HD-CMP_U_C 0.939048 12 15 (416 THROUGH -0.069037 12 13 ("through" 214)) (20322 SP-HD_N_C -0.682861 13 15 (433 THE_1 -0.793879 13 14 ("the" 180)) (20321 N_MS-CNT_ILR -0.0184922 14 15 (445 MAIL_N1 0.0261662 14 15 ("mail" 182)))))))))))))))))) (20351 MRK-NH_CL_C 5.86394 15 23 (457 AND_CONJ -1.69277 15 16 ("and" 184)) (20350 SB-HD_MC_C 6.77191 16 23 (20337 HDN_BNP-QNT_C 2.49166 16 17 (461 THEY 1.42862 16 17 ("they" 186))) (20349 HD-CMP_U_C 3.41854 17 23 (20338 V_N3S-BSE_ILR 0.340155 17 18 (468 REQUIRE_V1 0.823546 17 18 ("require" 216))) (20348 HDN_BNP_C 2.21899 18 23 (20347 AJ-HDN_NORM_C 1.48403 18 23 (474 FREQUENT_A1 0 18 19 ("frequent" 188)) (20346 HDN-AJ_REDREL_C 0.445198 19 23 (20340 HDN_OPTCMP_C -0.724921 19 20 (20339 N_MS-CNT_ILR 0.0750564 19 20 (478 REPLACEMENT_N1 -0.0520876 19 20 ("replacement" 190)))) (20345 HD-CMP_U_C 0.417656 20 23 (486 BY_P -0.845936 20 21 ("by" 192)) (20344 SP-HD_N_C 0.474277 21 23 (508 THE_1 -0.551736 21 22 ("the" 194)) (20343 HDN_OPTCMP_C 1.33377 22 23 (20342 W_PERIOD_PLR 0.785492 22 23 (20341 N_SG_ILR 0.666164 22 23 (512 USER_N1 0 22 23 ("user." 198))))))))))))))) Labeled parse tree: (S (S (NP (N (N ("contact")) (N (N ("lenses"))))) (VP (VP (V (V ("come")))) (PP (P ("in")) (NP (N (AP (AP ("small,"))) (N (AP ("light")) (N (N (N (N ("packages")))) (S (NP (N ("that"))) (S/NP (VP/NP (V/NP ("are")) (AP (ADJ (ADJ ("easy"))) (VP/N (COMP/N ("to")) (VP/N (VP/N (V/N (V/N ("ship")))) (PP (P ("through")) (NP (DET ("the")) (N (N ("mail")))))))))))))))))) (S (CONJ ("and")) (S (NP (N ("they"))) (VP (V (V ("require"))) (NP (N (AP ("frequent")) (N (N (N (N ("replacement")))) (PP (P ("by")) (NP (DET ("the")) (N (N (N (N ("user.")))))))))))))) MRS: (x5), h7:compound_rel<0:14>(e9, x5, x8), h10:udef_q_rel<0:7>(x8, h11, h12), h13:_contact_n_1_rel<0:7>(x8), h7:_lens_n_1_rel<8:14>(x5:3:PL:+, h4, h6), h14:_come_v_1_rel<15:19>(e15:PROP:PRES:INDICATIVE:-:-, x5), h14:_in_p_rel<20:22>(e16, e15, x17), h18:udef_q_rel<23:83>(x17, h19, h20), h21:_small_a_1_rel<23:29>(e22, x17), h21:_light_a_of_rel<30:35>(e23, x17), h21:_package_n_of_rel<36:44>(x17:3:PL:+, i24), h21:_easy_a_for_rel<54:58>(e26:PROP:PRES:INDICATIVE:-:-, h25, i27), h28:_ship_v_cause_rel<62:66>(e29:PROP:UNTENSED:INDICATIVE:-:-, p30, x17), h28:_through_p_rel<67:74>(e31, e29, x32), h33:_the_q_rel<75:78>(x32, h35, h34), h36:_mail_n_1_rel<79:83>(x32:3:SG), h37:_and_c_rel<84:87>(e2:PROP:PRES:INDICATIVE:-:-, h38, e15, h39, e40), h41:pron_rel<88:92>(x42:3:PL:STD_PRON), h43:pronoun_q_rel<88:92>(x42, h44, h45), h46:_require_v_of_rel<93:100>(e40:PROP:PRES:INDICATIVE:-:-, x42, x47), h48:udef_q_rel<101:134>(x47, h49, h50), h51:_frequent_a_1_rel<101:109>(e52, x47), h51:_replacement_n_of_rel<110:121>(x47:3:SG, i53), h51:_by_p_rel<122:124>(e54, x47, x55), h56:_the_q_rel<125:128>(x55, h58, h57), h59:_user_n_of_rel<129:134>(x55:3:SG:+, i60)}, {h58 QEQ h59, h49 QEQ h51, h44 QEQ h41, h39 QEQ h46, h35 QEQ h36, h25 QEQ h28, h19 QEQ h21, h11 QEQ h13, h4 QEQ h7, h38 QEQ h14}> Elementary dependencies: {e2: x5:udef_q<0:14>[] e9:compound<0:14>[ARG1 x5:_lens_n_1, ARG2 x8:_contact_n_1] x8:udef_q<0:7>[] e15:_come_v_1<15:19>[ARG1 x5:_lens_n_1] e16:_in_p<20:22>[ARG1 e15:_come_v_1, ARG2 x17:_package_n_of] x17:udef_q<23:83>[] e22:_small_a_1<23:29>[ARG1 x17:_package_n_of] e23:_light_a_of<30:35>[ARG1 x17:_package_n_of] e26:_easy_a_for<54:58>[ARG1 e29:_ship_v_cause] e29:_ship_v_cause<62:66>[ARG2 x17:_package_n_of] e31:_through_p<67:74>[ARG1 e29:_ship_v_cause, ARG2 x32:_mail_n_1] x32:_the_q<75:78>[] e2:_and_c<84:87>[L-INDEX e15:_come_v_1, R-INDEX e40:_require_v_of, L-HNDL e15:_come_v_1, R-HNDL e40:_require_v_of] x42:pronoun_q<88:92>[] e40:_require_v_of<93:100>[ARG1 x42:pron, ARG2 x47:_replacement_n_of] x47:udef_q<101:134>[] e52:_frequent_a_1<101:109>[ARG1 x47:_replacement_n_of] e54:_by_p<122:124>[ARG1 x47:_replacement_n_of, ARG2 x55:_user_n_of] x55:_the_q<125:128>[] }