Sample DELPH-IN outputs using ERG 15-June-2011 Guide to annotations -------------------- For each sentence, four different annotations are given, showing distinct perspectives on the parser analysis which was manually identified from the parse forest of analyses produced by the parser: - Derivation tree showing which rules and which lexical entries were applied. - Labeled parse tree showing constituent structure, isomorphic to derivation. - MRS showing the semantic representation composed by the parser. - Elementary dependencies showing a simplified view of the semantics Derivation tree Each level of parenthesized nesting indicates a syntactic constituent, where - the first integer is the unique edge number assigned in the parse chart - the next identifier is the name of the syntactic rule or lexical entry - the next (decimal) number is the likelihood from the statistical model - the last two digits show the token span of the constituent, starting at 0 The leaves of each constituent are the strings showing the surface forms of the words comprising that constituent, including punctuation if any. Labeled parse tree Each level of nesting again indicates a syntactic constituent, with the labels drawn from a coarse-grained inventory of mostly familiar category terms, augmented with a "/" suffix on those categories which contain or head a phrase containing a gap. These parse labels are not manipulated by the parser during parsing but applied afterwards on the basis of the full feature structures. Each parse tree is isomorphic to the corresponding derivation tree. MRS The Minimal Recursion Semantics output shown here is the "indexed" format which uses linear ordering of arguments for each predicate to encode roles, where the first argument has the role label ARG0, the second has ARG1, etc. Each elementary predication records its handle (e.g. "h7") used in scope constraints, its predicate name (e.g. _copy_n_of_rel), the character span of the constituent in the input sentence that corresponds to this predication, and a list of variables, one for each of its semantic arguments, including an inherent argument for each predication. Variables of four types are used: `h' for handles, `e' for events and states (and also for adverbial predications), `x' for referential indices, and `i' for individuals which are the underspecification of events and indices. Where the grammar assigned constraints on properties of event and index variables, these are recorded following the variable in the predication where it is the inherent argument. For `x' variables (referential indices), the properties are (in order, and when known) Person (1,2,3), Number (SG,PL), Gender (M,F,N), Pronoun-type (STD_PRON [standard pronoun], REFL [reflexive]), Individuated (+,- [where singular count nouns are +, while plural and mass nouns are -]). For `e' (event/state) variables, the properties are Sentence Force (PROP [proposition], QUES [question], COMM [command]), Tense (PRES, PAST, FUT), Mood (INDICATIVE, SUBJUNCTIVE), Progressive (+,-), Perfect (+,-). Elementary dependencies Omitting scopal constraints, each dependency records its characteristic variable (its inherent argument), followed by the predicate name (suppressing the `_rel' suffix seen in the MRS), followed by the character span of the corresponding constituent in the input sentence, followed by a list of role-argument pairs, where the argument consists of its variable name and predicate name. The inclusion of the variable with each argument preserves clarity in cases where the same semantic predicate is introduced multiple times in a single sentence. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sentence 1: Original copies are very hard to find. Derivation tree: (ROOT_STRICT (1054 SB-HD_MC_C 7.38543 0 7 (1045 HDN_BNP_C 2.34651 0 2 (1044 AJ-HDN_NORM_C 1.80995 0 2 (75 ORIGINAL_A1 0.170681 0 1 ("original" 73)) (1043 HDN_OPTCMP_C -0.212939 1 2 (1042 N_PL_OLR 0.167704 1 2 (78 COPY_N1 0 1 2 ("copies" 55)))))) (1053 HD-CMP_U_C 3.85228 2 7 (92 BE_C_ARE -0.284891 2 3 ("are" 57)) (1052 SP-HD_HC_C 2.69106 3 7 (99 VERY 0.622376 3 4 ("very" 59)) (1051 HD-CMP_U_C 1.95206 4 7 (1046 HD_OPTCMP_C -0.18495 4 5 (104 HARD_A3 0.122837 4 5 ("hard" 65))) (1050 HD-CMP_U_C 1.09266 5 7 (134 TO_C_PROP 1.48655 5 6 ("to" 61)) (1049 HD_XCMP_C -0.447952 6 7 (1048 W_PERIOD_PLR -0.610802 6 7 (1047 V_N3S-BSE_ILR -0.11108 6 7 (154 FIND_V1 0 6 7 ("find." 63))))))))))) Labeled parse tree: (S (NP (N (AP ("original")) (N (N (N ("copies")))))) (VP (V ("are")) (AP (ADV ("very")) (AP (ADJ (ADJ ("hard"))) (VP/N (COMP/N ("to")) (VP/N (V/N (V/N (V/N ("find.")))))))))) MRS: (x5), h7:_original_a_1_rel<0:8>(e8, x5), h7:_copy_n_of_rel<9:15>(x5:3:PL, h4, h6, i9), h10:_very_x_deg_rel<20:24>(e11, e2), h10:_hard_a_for_rel<25:29>(e2:PROP:PRES:INDICATIVE:-:-, h12, i13), h14:_find_v_1_rel<33:38>(e15:PROP-OR-QUES:UNTENSED:INDICATIVE:-:-, p16, x5)}, {h12 QEQ h14, h4 QEQ h7}> Elementary dependencies: {e2: x5:udef_q<0:15>[] e8:_original_a_1<0:8>[ARG1 x5:_copy_n_of] e11:_very_x_deg<20:24>[ARG1 e2:_hard_a_for] e2:_hard_a_for<25:29>[ARG1 e15:_find_v_1] e15:_find_v_1<33:38>[ARG2 x5:_copy_n_of] } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sentence 2: She is easy to get along with. Derivation tree: (ROOT_STRICT (1262 SB-HD_MC_C 8.80179 0 7 (1252 HDN_BNP-QNT_C 0.44052 0 1 (72 SHE 0.22026 0 1 ("she" 71))) (1261 HD-CMP_U_C 7.44752 1 7 (95 BE_C_IS 2.17551 1 2 ("is" 57)) (1260 HD-CMP_U_C 4.89129 2 7 (1253 HD_OPTCMP_C -0.522204 2 3 (127 EASY_A3 0.110409 2 3 ("easy" 65))) (1259 HD-CMP_U_C 4.19306 3 7 (154 TO_C_PROP 2.08136 3 4 ("to" 59)) (1258 HD-AJ_INT-SL_C 2.22011 4 7 (1255 HD-CMP_U_C 2.66247 4 6 (1254 V_N3S-BSE_ILR 1.45485 4 5 (168 GET_ALONG_V1 0.540621 4 5 ("get" 61))) (194 ALONG_PRTCL 1.15018 5 6 ("along" 67))) (1257 HD_XCMP_C -0.0815816 6 7 (1256 W_PERIOD_PLR -0.45761 6 7 (205 WITH_P 0 6 7 ("with." 63)))))))))) Labeled parse tree: (S (NP (N ("she"))) (VP (V ("is")) (AP (ADJ (ADJ ("easy"))) (VP/N (COMP/N ("to")) (VP/N (VP (V (V ("get"))) (P ("along"))) (PP/N (P/N (P/N ("with."))))))))) MRS: (x4:3:SG:F:STD_PRON), h5:pronoun_q_rel<0:3>(x4, h6, h7), h8:_easy_a_for_rel<7:11>(e2:PROP:PRES:INDICATIVE:-:-, h9, i10), h11:_get_v_along_rel<15:18>(e12:PROP-OR-QUES:UNTENSED:INDICATIVE:-:-, p13), h11:_with_p_rel<25:30>(e14, e12, x4)}, {h9 QEQ h11, h6 QEQ h3}> Elementary dependencies: {e2: x4:pronoun_q<0:3>[] e2:_easy_a_for<7:11>[ARG1 e12:_get_v_along] e14:_with_p<25:30>[ARG1 e12:_get_v_along, ARG2 x4:pron] } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sentence 3: It is very hard to find original copies. Derivation tree: (ROOT_STRICT (2307 SB-HD_MC_C 12.4708 0 8 (82 IT 0.008063 0 1 ("it" 81)) (2306 HD-CMP_U_C 11.0146 1 8 (107 BE_C_IS 2.17551 1 2 ("is" 61)) (2305 SP-HD_HC_C 8.91698 2 8 (137 VERY 0.745448 2 3 ("very" 63)) (2304 HD-CMP_U_C 8.17798 3 8 (2295 HD_OPTCMP_C 0.600318 3 4 (141 HARD_A2 0.418401 3 4 ("hard" 73))) (2303 HD-CMP_U_C 6.53332 4 8 (172 TO_C_PROP 1.48655 4 5 ("to" 65)) (2302 HD-CMP_U_C 4.1389 5 8 (2296 V_N3S-BSE_ILR 0.88503 5 6 (192 FIND_V1 1.0702 5 6 ("find" 67))) (2301 HDN_BNP_C 2.4166 6 8 (2300 AJ-HDN_NORM_C 1.72277 6 8 (198 ORIGINAL_A1 0.170681 6 7 ("original" 69)) (2299 HDN_OPTCMP_C 0.568813 7 8 (2298 W_PERIOD_PLR 0.221231 7 8 (2297 N_PL_OLR 0.464954 7 8 (202 COPY_N1 0 7 8 ("copies." 71)))))))))))))) Labeled parse tree: (S (NP-X ("it")) (VP (V ("is")) (AP (ADV ("very")) (AP (ADJ (ADJ ("hard"))) (VP (COMP ("to")) (VP (V (V ("find"))) (NP (N (AP ("original")) (N (N (N (N ("copies."))))))))))))) MRS: (e4, e2), h3:_hard_a_for_rel<11:15>(e2:PROP:PRES:INDICATIVE:-:-, h5, i6), h7:_find_v_1_rel<19:23>(e8:PROP-OR-QUES:UNTENSED:INDICATIVE:-:-, p10, x9), h11:udef_q_rel<24:40>(x9, h12, h13), h14:_original_a_1_rel<24:32>(e15, x9), h14:_copy_n_of_rel<33:40>(x9:3:PL, i16)}, {h12 QEQ h14, h5 QEQ h7}> Elementary dependencies: {e2: e4:_very_x_deg<6:10>[ARG1 e2:_hard_a_for] e2:_hard_a_for<11:15>[ARG1 e8:_find_v_1] e8:_find_v_1<19:23>[ARG2 x9:_copy_n_of] x9:udef_q<24:40>[] e15:_original_a_1<24:32>[ARG1 x9:_copy_n_of] } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sentence 4: It is easy to get along with her. Derivation tree: (ROOT_STRICT (1882 SB-HD_MC_C 12.2978 0 8 (83 IT 0.008063 0 1 ("it" 82)) (1881 HD-CMP_U_C 10.8417 1 8 (108 BE_C_IS 2.17551 1 2 ("is" 65)) (1880 HD-CMP_U_C 8.28543 2 8 (1872 HD_OPTCMP_C -0.133677 2 3 (139 EASY_A2 -0.367212 2 3 ("easy" 73))) (1879 HD-CMP_U_C 7.19867 3 8 (167 TO_C_PROP 2.08136 3 4 ("to" 67)) (1878 HD-AJ_INT-UNSL_C 4.71258 4 8 (1874 HD-CMP_U_C 4.37047 4 6 (1873 V_N3S-BSE_ILR 2.57185 4 5 (181 GET_ALONG_V1 0.646502 4 5 ("get" 69))) (207 ALONG_PRTCL 1.82054 5 6 ("along" 75))) (1877 HD-CMP_U_C -0.39283 6 8 (219 WITH_P -0.614057 6 7 ("with" 71)) (1876 HDN_BNP-QNT_C 0.0197902 7 8 (1875 W_PERIOD_PLR 0 7 8 (224 HER 0 7 8 ("her." 77))))))))))) Labeled parse tree: (S (NP-X ("it")) (VP (V ("is")) (AP (ADJ (ADJ ("easy"))) (VP (COMP ("to")) (VP (VP (V (V ("get"))) (P ("along"))) (PP (P ("with")) (NP (N (N ("her.")))))))))) MRS: (e2, h4, i5), h6:_get_v_along_rel<14:17>(e7:PROP-OR-QUES:UNTENSED:INDICATIVE:-:-, p8), h6:_with_p_rel<24:28>(e9, e7, x10), h11:pron_rel<29:33>(x10:3:SG:F:STD_PRON), h12:pronoun_q_rel<29:33>(x10, h13, h14)}, {h13 QEQ h11, h4 QEQ h6}> Elementary dependencies: {e2: e2:_easy_a_for<6:10>[ARG1 e7:_get_v_along] e9:_with_p<24:28>[ARG1 e7:_get_v_along, ARG2 x10:pron] x10:pronoun_q<29:33>[] } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sentence 5: Contact lenses come in small, light packages that are easy to ship through the mail and they require frequent replacement by the user. Derivation tree: (ROOT_INFORMAL (20363 CL-CL_CRD-T_C 19.6026 0 23 (20362 SB-HD_MC_C 13.2494 0 15 (20312 HDN_BNP_C 0.795502 0 2 (20311 N-HDN_CPD_C 0.375734 0 2 (234 CONTACT_N1 0.249269 0 1 ("contact" 232)) (20310 N_PL_OLR 0.068902 1 2 (236 LENS_N1 0 1 2 ("lenses" 172))))) (20361 HD-AJ_INT-UNSL_C 11.9335 2 15 (20360 HD_OPTCMP_C 0.531245 2 3 (20313 V_N3S-BSE_ILR 1.50089 2 3 (262 COME_V1 0.504124 2 3 ("come" 202)))) (20334 HD-CMP_U_C 10.8778 3 15 (309 IN -0.97146 3 4 ("in" 204)) (20333 HDN_BNP_C 12.0289 4 15 (20332 AJ-HDN_ADJN_C 11.5201 4 15 (20314 W_COMMA-NF_PLR 0 4 5 (320 SMALL_A1 0 4 5 ("small," 196))) (20331 AJ-HDN_NORM_C 10.2075 5 15 (324 LIGHT_A1 0 5 6 ("light" 206)) (20330 HDN-AJ_RC_C 10.2075 6 15 (20316 HDN_OPTCMP_C 0.568555 6 7 (20315 N_PL_OLR 0.794509 6 7 (332 PACKAGE_N1 0.00123173 6 7 ("packages" 174)))) (20329 FLR-HD_REL-FIN_C 9.53548 7 15 (20317 HDN_BNP-QNT_C 0.721032 7 8 (356 THAT_R 0.0530253 7 8 ("that" 208))) (20328 HD_XSB-FIN_C 8.26546 8 15 (20327 HD-CMP_U_C 7.49431 8 15 (358 BE_C_ARE 1.00175 8 9 ("are" 176)) (20326 HD-CMP_U_C 5.81799 9 15 (20318 HD_OPTCMP_C 0.214628 9 10 (367 EASY_A3 0.110409 9 10 ("easy" 210))) (20325 HD-CMP_U_C 4.21623 10 15 (394 TO_C_PROP -0.226692 10 11 ("to" 178)) (20324 HD-AJ_INT-UNSL_C 1.11653 11 15 (20320 HD_XCMP_C -0.77142 11 12 (20319 V_N3S-BSE_ILR -0.421203 11 12 (413 SHIP_V2 -0.401947 11 12 ("ship" 212)))) (20323 HD-CMP_U_C 0.939048 12 15 (416 THROUGH -0.069037 12 13 ("through" 214)) (20322 SP-HD_N_C -0.682861 13 15 (433 THE_1 -0.793879 13 14 ("the" 180)) (20321 N_MS-CNT_ILR -0.0184922 14 15 (445 MAIL_N1 0.0261662 14 15 ("mail" 182)))))))))))))))))) (20351 MRK-NH_CL_C 5.86394 15 23 (457 AND_CONJ -1.69277 15 16 ("and" 184)) (20350 SB-HD_MC_C 6.77191 16 23 (20337 HDN_BNP-QNT_C 2.49166 16 17 (461 THEY 1.42862 16 17 ("they" 186))) (20349 HD-CMP_U_C 3.41854 17 23 (20338 V_N3S-BSE_ILR 0.340155 17 18 (468 REQUIRE_V1 0.823546 17 18 ("require" 216))) (20348 HDN_BNP_C 2.21899 18 23 (20347 AJ-HDN_NORM_C 1.48403 18 23 (474 FREQUENT_A1 0 18 19 ("frequent" 188)) (20346 HDN-AJ_REDREL_C 0.445198 19 23 (20340 HDN_OPTCMP_C -0.724921 19 20 (20339 N_MS-CNT_ILR 0.0750564 19 20 (478 REPLACEMENT_N1 -0.0520876 19 20 ("replacement" 190)))) (20345 HD-CMP_U_C 0.417656 20 23 (486 BY_P -0.845936 20 21 ("by" 192)) (20344 SP-HD_N_C 0.474277 21 23 (508 THE_1 -0.551736 21 22 ("the" 194)) (20343 HDN_OPTCMP_C 1.33377 22 23 (20342 W_PERIOD_PLR 0.785492 22 23 (20341 N_SG_ILR 0.666164 22 23 (512 USER_N1 0 22 23 ("user." 198))))))))))))))) Labeled parse tree: (S (S (NP (N (N ("contact")) (N (N ("lenses"))))) (VP (VP (V (V ("come")))) (PP (P ("in")) (NP (N (AP (AP ("small,"))) (N (AP ("light")) (N (N (N (N ("packages")))) (S (NP (N ("that"))) (S/NP (VP/NP (V/NP ("are")) (AP (ADJ (ADJ ("easy"))) (VP/N (COMP/N ("to")) (VP/N (VP/N (V/N (V/N ("ship")))) (PP (P ("through")) (NP (DET ("the")) (N (N ("mail")))))))))))))))))) (S (CONJ ("and")) (S (NP (N ("they"))) (VP (V (V ("require"))) (NP (N (AP ("frequent")) (N (N (N (N ("replacement")))) (PP (P ("by")) (NP (DET ("the")) (N (N (N (N ("user.")))))))))))))) MRS: (x5), h7:compound_rel<0:14>(e9, x5, x8), h10:udef_q_rel<0:7>(x8, h11, h12), h13:_contact_n_1_rel<0:7>(x8), h7:_lens_n_1_rel<8:14>(x5:3:PL:+, h4, h6), h14:_come_v_1_rel<15:19>(e15:PROP:PRES:INDICATIVE:-:-, x5), h14:_in_p_rel<20:22>(e16, e15, x17), h18:udef_q_rel<23:83>(x17, h19, h20), h21:_small_a_1_rel<23:29>(e22, x17), h21:_light_a_of_rel<30:35>(e23, x17), h21:_package_n_of_rel<36:44>(x17:3:PL:+, i24), h21:_easy_a_for_rel<54:58>(e26:PROP:PRES:INDICATIVE:-:-, h25, i27), h28:_ship_v_cause_rel<62:66>(e29:PROP:UNTENSED:INDICATIVE:-:-, p30, x17), h28:_through_p_rel<67:74>(e31, e29, x32), h33:_the_q_rel<75:78>(x32, h35, h34), h36:_mail_n_1_rel<79:83>(x32:3:SG), h37:_and_c_rel<84:87>(e2:PROP:PRES:INDICATIVE:-:-, h38, e15, h39, e40), h41:pron_rel<88:92>(x42:3:PL:STD_PRON), h43:pronoun_q_rel<88:92>(x42, h44, h45), h46:_require_v_of_rel<93:100>(e40:PROP:PRES:INDICATIVE:-:-, x42, x47), h48:udef_q_rel<101:134>(x47, h49, h50), h51:_frequent_a_1_rel<101:109>(e52, x47), h51:_replacement_n_of_rel<110:121>(x47:3:SG, i53), h51:_by_p_rel<122:124>(e54, x47, x55), h56:_the_q_rel<125:128>(x55, h58, h57), h59:_user_n_of_rel<129:134>(x55:3:SG:+, i60)}, {h58 QEQ h59, h49 QEQ h51, h44 QEQ h41, h39 QEQ h46, h35 QEQ h36, h25 QEQ h28, h19 QEQ h21, h11 QEQ h13, h4 QEQ h7, h38 QEQ h14}> Elementary dependencies: {e2: x5:udef_q<0:14>[] e9:compound<0:14>[ARG1 x5:_lens_n_1, ARG2 x8:_contact_n_1] x8:udef_q<0:7>[] e15:_come_v_1<15:19>[ARG1 x5:_lens_n_1] e16:_in_p<20:22>[ARG1 e15:_come_v_1, ARG2 x17:_package_n_of] x17:udef_q<23:83>[] e22:_small_a_1<23:29>[ARG1 x17:_package_n_of] e23:_light_a_of<30:35>[ARG1 x17:_package_n_of] e26:_easy_a_for<54:58>[ARG1 e29:_ship_v_cause] e29:_ship_v_cause<62:66>[ARG2 x17:_package_n_of] e31:_through_p<67:74>[ARG1 e29:_ship_v_cause, ARG2 x32:_mail_n_1] x32:_the_q<75:78>[] e2:_and_c<84:87>[L-INDEX e15:_come_v_1, R-INDEX e40:_require_v_of, L-HNDL e15:_come_v_1, R-HNDL e40:_require_v_of] x42:pronoun_q<88:92>[] e40:_require_v_of<93:100>[ARG1 x42:pron, ARG2 x47:_replacement_n_of] x47:udef_q<101:134>[] e52:_frequent_a_1<101:109>[ARG1 x47:_replacement_n_of] e54:_by_p<122:124>[ARG1 x47:_replacement_n_of, ARG2 x55:_user_n_of] x55:_the_q<125:128>[] } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sentence 6: Contact lenses come in small, light packages that are easy to ship through the mail. Derivation tree: (ROOT_INFORMAL (6944 SB-HD_MC_C 15.0863 0 15 (6916 HDN_BNP_C 0.937757 0 2 (6915 N-HDN_CPD_C 0.423823 0 2 (164 CONTACT_N1 0 0 1 ("contact" 162)) (6914 N_PL_OLR 0.068902 1 2 (166 LENS_N1 0 1 2 ("lenses" 122))))) (6943 HD-AJ_INT-UNSL_C 13.5386 2 15 (6942 HD_OPTCMP_C 0.682234 2 3 (6917 V_N3S-BSE_ILR 1.17344 2 3 (192 COME_V1 0.504124 2 3 ("come" 138)))) (6939 HD-CMP_U_C 11.4503 3 15 (239 IN -0.97146 3 4 ("in" 140)) (6938 HDN_BNP_C 12.4389 4 15 (6937 AJ-HDN_ADJN_C 11.9301 4 15 (6918 W_COMMA-NF_PLR 0 4 5 (250 SMALL_A1 0 4 5 ("small," 132))) (6936 AJ-HDN_NORM_C 10.6175 5 15 (254 LIGHT_A1 0 5 6 ("light" 142)) (6935 HDN-AJ_RC_C 10.6175 6 15 (6920 HDN_OPTCMP_C 0.568555 6 7 (6919 N_PL_OLR 0.794509 6 7 (262 PACKAGE_N1 0.00123173 6 7 ("packages" 124)))) (6934 FLR-HD_REL-FIN_C 9.9455 7 15 (6921 HDN_BNP-QNT_C 0.721032 7 8 (286 THAT_R 0.0530253 7 8 ("that" 144))) (6933 HD_XSB-FIN_C 8.67548 8 15 (6932 HD-CMP_U_C 7.90433 8 15 (288 BE_C_ARE -0.572128 8 9 ("are" 126)) (6931 HD-CMP_U_C 6.22801 9 15 (6922 HD_OPTCMP_C 0.214628 9 10 (297 EASY_A3 0.110409 9 10 ("easy" 146))) (6930 HD-CMP_U_C 4.62624 10 15 (324 TO_C_PROP -0.226692 10 11 ("to" 128)) (6929 HD-AJ_INT-UNSL_C 1.52655 11 15 (6924 HD_XCMP_C -0.77142 11 12 (6923 V_N3S-BSE_ILR -0.421203 11 12 (343 SHIP_V2 -0.401947 11 12 ("ship" 148)))) (6928 HD-CMP_U_C 1.34907 12 15 (346 THROUGH 0.939867 12 13 ("through" 150)) (6927 SP-HD_N_C -0.272844 13 15 (363 THE_1 -0.793879 13 14 ("the" 130)) (6926 W_PERIOD_PLR 0.414498 14 15 (6925 N_MS-CNT_ILR -0.0707526 14 15 (375 MAIL_N1 -0.194867 14 15 ("mail." 134)))))))))))))))))))) Labeled parse tree: (S (NP (N (N ("contact")) (N (N ("lenses"))))) (VP (VP (V (V ("come")))) (PP (P ("in")) (NP (N (AP (AP ("small,"))) (N (AP ("light")) (N (N (N (N ("packages")))) (S (NP (N ("that"))) (S/NP (VP/NP (V/NP ("are")) (AP (ADJ (ADJ ("easy"))) (VP/N (COMP/N ("to")) (VP/N (VP/N (V/N (V/N ("ship")))) (PP (P ("through")) (NP (DET ("the")) (N (N (N ("mail."))))))))))))))))))) MRS: (x5), h7:compound_rel<0:14>(e9, x5, x8), h10:udef_q_rel<0:7>(x8, h11, h12), h13:_contact_n_1_rel<0:7>(x8), h7:_lens_n_1_rel<8:14>(x5:3:PL:+, h4, h6), h14:_come_v_1_rel<15:19>(e2:PROP:PRES:INDICATIVE:-:-, x5), h14:_in_p_rel<20:22>(e15, e2, x16), h17:udef_q_rel<23:84>(x16, h18, h19), h20:_small_a_1_rel<23:29>(e21, x16), h20:_light_a_of_rel<30:35>(e22, x16), h20:_package_n_of_rel<36:44>(x16:3:PL:+, i23), h20:_easy_a_for_rel<54:58>(e25:PROP:PRES:INDICATIVE:-:-, h24, i26), h27:_ship_v_cause_rel<62:66>(e28:PROP:UNTENSED:INDICATIVE:-:-, p29, x16), h27:_through_p_rel<67:74>(e30, e28, x31), h32:_the_q_rel<75:78>(x31, h34, h33), h35:_mail_n_1_rel<79:84>(x31:3:SG)}, {h34 QEQ h35, h24 QEQ h27, h18 QEQ h20, h11 QEQ h13, h4 QEQ h7}> Elementary dependencies: {e2: x5:udef_q<0:14>[] e9:compound<0:14>[ARG1 x5:_lens_n_1, ARG2 x8:_contact_n_1] x8:udef_q<0:7>[] e2:_come_v_1<15:19>[ARG1 x5:_lens_n_1] e15:_in_p<20:22>[ARG1 e2:_come_v_1, ARG2 x16:_package_n_of] x16:udef_q<23:84>[] e21:_small_a_1<23:29>[ARG1 x16:_package_n_of] e22:_light_a_of<30:35>[ARG1 x16:_package_n_of] e25:_easy_a_for<54:58>[ARG1 e28:_ship_v_cause] e28:_ship_v_cause<62:66>[ARG2 x16:_package_n_of] e30:_through_p<67:74>[ARG1 e28:_ship_v_cause, ARG2 x31:_mail_n_1] x31:_the_q<75:78>[] } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sentence 7: Wikipedia articles must not contain original research. Derivation tree: (ROOT_STRICT (712 SB-HD_MC_C 3.70215 0 7 (704 HDN_BNP_C -1.21732 0 2 (703 NP-HDN_CPD_C -0.841404 0 2 (700 HDN_BNP-PN_C -1.06349 0 1 (73 GENERIC_PROPER_NE 0 0 1 ("Wikipedia" 66))) (702 HDN_OPTCMP_C 0.186414 1 2 (701 N_PL_OLR 0.809467 1 2 (74 ARTICLE_N1 0 1 2 ("articles" 55)))))) (711 HD-CMP_U_C 3.73284 2 7 (193 MUST_AUX_NEG_3 0 2 4 ("must not" 57)) (710 HD-CMP_U_C 3.73284 4 7 (705 V_N3S-BSE_ILR 0.390734 4 5 (172 CONTAIN_V1 0.370985 4 5 ("contain" 65))) (709 HDN_BNP_C 2.84641 5 7 (708 AJ-HDN_NORM_C 2.43875 5 7 (176 ORIGINAL_A1 0.268529 5 6 ("original" 61)) (707 W_PERIOD_PLR 1.22359 6 7 (706 N_MS_ILR 0.305878 6 7 (180 RESEARCH_N1 0.0464364 6 7 ("research." 63)))))))))) Labeled parse tree: (S (NP (N (N (N ("Wikipedia"))) (N (N (N ("articles")))))) (VP (V ("must not")) (VP (V (V ("contain"))) (NP (N (AP ("original")) (N (N (N ("research."))))))))) MRS: (x5), h7:compound_rel<0:18>(e9, x5, x8:+), h10:proper_q_rel<0:9>(x8, h11, h12), h13:named_rel<0:9>(x8, "Wikipedia"), h7:_article_n_of_rel<10:18>(x5:3:PL:+, h4, h6, i14), h15:neg_rel<19:27>(e17, h16), h18:_must_v_modal_rel<19:27>(e2:PROP:PRES:INDICATIVE, h19), h20:_contain_v_1_rel<28:35>(e21:PROP:UNTENSED:INDICATIVE:-:-, x5, x22), h23:udef_q_rel<36:54>(x22, h24, h25), h26:_original_a_1_rel<36:44>(e27, x22), h26:_research_n_1_rel<45:54>(x22:3:SG:N:-)}, {h24 QEQ h26, h16 QEQ h20, h19 QEQ h15, h11 QEQ h13, h4 QEQ h7}> Elementary dependencies: {e2: x5:udef_q<0:18>[] e9:compound<0:18>[ARG1 x5:_article_n_of, ARG2 x8:named(wikipedia)] x8:proper_q<0:9>[] e17:neg<19:27>[ARG1 e21:_contain_v_1] e2:_must_v_modal<19:27>[ARG1 e17:neg] e21:_contain_v_1<28:35>[ARG1 x5:_article_n_of, ARG2 x22:_research_n_1] x22:udef_q<36:54>[] e27:_original_a_1<36:44>[ARG1 x22:_research_n_1] } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sentence 8: Wikipedia articles can not contain original research. Derivation tree: (ROOT_STRICT (797 SB-HD_MC_C 6.83436 0 7 (787 HDN_BNP_C -1.21732 0 2 (786 NP-HDN_CPD_C -0.841404 0 2 (783 HDN_BNP-PN_C -1.06349 0 1 (73 GENERIC_PROPER_NE 0 0 1 ("Wikipedia" 66))) (785 HDN_OPTCMP_C 0.186414 1 2 (784 N_PL_OLR 0.809467 1 2 (74 ARTICLE_N1 0 1 2 ("articles" 55)))))) (796 HD-CMP_U_C 6.86504 2 7 (789 HD-CMP_U_C 2.80416 2 4 (788 V_AUX-ADVADD_DLR -0.390904 2 3 (79 CAN_AUX_POS 1.76812 2 3 ("can" 57))) (111 NOT -2.56472 3 4 ("not" 59))) (795 HD-CMP_U_C 3.73284 4 7 (790 V_N3S-BSE_ILR 0.390734 4 5 (171 CONTAIN_V1 0.370985 4 5 ("contain" 65))) (794 HDN_BNP_C 2.84641 5 7 (793 AJ-HDN_NORM_C 2.43875 5 7 (175 ORIGINAL_A1 0.268529 5 6 ("original" 61)) (792 W_PERIOD_PLR 1.22359 6 7 (791 N_MS_ILR 0.305878 6 7 (179 RESEARCH_N1 0.0464364 6 7 ("research." 63)))))))))) Labeled parse tree: (S (NP (N (N (N ("Wikipedia"))) (N (N (N ("articles")))))) (VP (V (V (V ("can"))) (ADV ("not"))) (VP (V (V ("contain"))) (NP (N (AP ("original")) (N (N (N ("research."))))))))) MRS: (x5:3:PL:+, h4, h6), h7:compound_rel<0:18>(e9, x5, x8:+), h10:proper_q_rel<0:9>(x8, h11, h12), h13:named_rel<0:9>(x8, "Wikipedia"), h7:_article_n_of_rel<10:18>(x5:3:PL:+, i14), h15:_can_v_modal_rel<19:22>(e2:PROP:PRES:INDICATIVE, h16), h17:neg_rel<23:26>(e19, h18), h20:_contain_v_1_rel<27:34>(e21:PROP:UNTENSED:INDICATIVE:-:-, x5, x22), h23:udef_q_rel<35:53>(x22, h24, h25), h26:_original_a_1_rel<35:43>(e27, x22), h26:_research_n_1_rel<44:53>(x22:3:SG:N:-)}, {h24 QEQ h26, h18 QEQ h15, h16 QEQ h20, h11 QEQ h13, h4 QEQ h7}> Elementary dependencies: {e2: x5:udef_q<0:18>[] e9:compound<0:18>[ARG1 x5:_article_n_of, ARG2 x8:named(wikipedia)] x8:proper_q<0:9>[] e2:_can_v_modal<19:22>[ARG1 e21:_contain_v_1] e19:neg<23:26>[ARG1 e2:_can_v_modal] e21:_contain_v_1<27:34>[ARG1 x5:_article_n_of, ARG2 x22:_research_n_1] x22:udef_q<35:53>[] e27:_original_a_1<35:43>[ARG1 x22:_research_n_1] }