This is a Treasure Hunt -- it is designed to introduce you to a range of linguistic corpora and to give you an idea of what is available to you on our server. Please start at the UW Linguistics Treehouse Wiki: Begin by finding and reading the Corpus Usage Guidelines. Note: Anyone with a Patas account is a lab member. Then explore the information in the CompLing Database and answer the following questions about corpora. Some of these questions will be easier than others. Many will require only a single word answer while others may require a few sentences. Be sure to use your own words to complete your short answers -- you will not get credit for copied answers! For certain answers, e.g., yes/no, numbers, paths, this, of course, will be irrelevant. Note: You may need to follow web links from the database entry pages to get some of the information. For example, for data from the LDC, you may find it helpful to use the LDC's Catalog Search feature. In other cases, you may need to investigate actual corpus files on Patas. This exercise will be most beneficial to you if you take this opportunity to really explore the corpora. To submit your answers: Add your answer after each question in the plain text version of this file and submit that edited plain text file. 1. Are you permitted to copy a corpus onto your own machine for research purposes? 2. What is the process for requesting 'Available' corpora? 3. Is there a single set of license conditions for all of this corpora? 4. Are all of the 'Installed' corpora accessible immediately? 5. How many corpora are Installed on our server? 6. How many more are Available for installation upon request? 7. What is the LDC? Specifically, what does the acronym stand for and what is its mission/purpose (in your own words)? 8. How many of the Installed or Available corpora include: a. Finnish data? b. Arabic data? c. English data? 9. Are all of the corpora collections of written text? If not, what other kind of content is there? 10. Find the corpus with this description: "TIMIT contains broadband recordings of 630 speakers of eight major dialects of American English, each reading ten phonetically rich sentences. The TIMIT corpus includes time-aligned orthographic, phonetic and word transcriptions as well as a 16-bit, 16kHz speech waveform file for each utterance." a. What is the name of the corpus? b. What sentence is used in the audio example given in the description for the above corpus? c. What demographic data is included in this corpus? d. What is the path to the corpus on Patas? 11. Find the Europarl Parallel Corpus. Hint: It includes Finnish data. a. Give the reference for the paper that must be cited if you use this corpus: b. What is the purpose of the corpus? c. How many languages are included in this corpus? d. What is the original source of the data? e. What is the format of the data files? f. What version of the corpus do we have installed? 12. Find the Google N-gram corpus (note: Ignore the GALE version of the corpus). a. Describe this corpus in a couple of sentences. b. What is the path to the corpus on Patas? c. What preprocessing was done to the data? d. What information is contained in the file 5gm.idx? e. What is the unigram counts for the word 'the' in this corpus? f. Can you find a unigram of count 1 in this corpus? g. Give 5 specific examples of unigrams that reveal problems with tokenization or filtering. h. In a couple of sentences, describe one specific question you could answer given this data. 13. List the names of 4 installed corpora that include dialogue act annotation and the languages they include. a. name: language: b. name: language: c. name: language: d. name: language: 14. Find a POS tagged version of the Brown Corpus. a. What is ICAME? Specifically, what does the acronym stand for and what is its mission/purpose (in your own words)? b. What is the full path to the file on Patas containing the Brown POS-tagged text? c. Describe briefly the format of the text file. 15. There are two English corpora installed that have syntactically annotated text, Treebank-2 and CCG. a. More specifically (but briefly), what do these corpora contain? What are the main points of these projects? b. Sticking to the WSJ texts, compare the first parsed file in each corpus (wsj_0001). What English sentences are parsed? c. Give the compete path of the file in the CCG corpus that provides a short explanation of the format of the parsed files: d. Give the complete path of the file in the Treebank-2 corpus that illustrates some problems that occurred when the POS tags were merged with the parsing results: 16. In a paragraph, describe three other things of interest you found among the corpora, i.e., something you were not asked about above.