UW - Department of Statistics
UW - Department of Biostatistics

STAT 578C; Fall 1999

Special Topics in Advanced Biostatistics
Statistical Genetics I; Discrete Mendelian traits

Instructor: Elizabeth Thompson
Time: MWF 8.30 -9.20
Place: HSB T663

NOTE: Projects are due, in class, Wednesday 12/1.
Please note also I am away, Sunday 11/28 until the night of Tuesday 11/30. Thus any questions you need answering should be asked BEFORE Thanksgiving!. Also, since others may also be away, we might cancel the class Monday 11/29 -- please let me know.

NOTE: The final exam for 578C will be in Room T663 on Monday, December 13 from 8:30 to 10:20 am.
It is an open-notes, open-book, in-class exam.
I am also away for this one, at a meeting in Montreal -- Erin Conlon has very kindly agreed to proctor the exam.

Notes and stuff

The following notes are part of a draft monograph from a Summer course given at Michigan Technical University in July 1999. The notes contain more than we will cover in this class. Don't bother with bits that don't seem familiar. Also they are in process of revision; doubtless, there are errors to be corrected. (If you happen to notice typos, I'd be happy to know of them.)

UW - Statistics: Wednesday, 24-Jul-19 Contact: Elizabeth Thompson <eathomp@u.washington.edu>