Stat/Biostat 550

Lab 2: Pedfiddler (updated for 2007 from Oct 2005)

Using list2pedc

Note it is no longer necessary to use list2pedc: instead you can directly use the Import File option in pfiddler.

However, you can (if you want) use list2pedc to convert your list file into a pedc file (so we will be able to manipulate it using pfiddler), as follows:

                        % list2pedc inputfile –o outputfile

So, in our example, I would type

% list2pedc jvped.dat -o jvped.pedc

Note the basic list2pedc ignores the gender column in the input file.
If you want a version that uses the specified genders in the original pedigree file you need to run list2pedc with the "-s" option. i.e.
% list2pedc -s jvped.dat -o jvped_s.pedc
See the manual pages: % man list2pedc for more information.

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