Stat 593A Schedule of lectures

Spring 2004


References and remarks
Wednesday, March 31 Gene descent in pedigrees
Meiosis indicators and recombination.
Friday, April 2 Genetic models and inference problems
Models for Meiosis.
My book: Chapter 5.
Wednesday, Apr 7 Tetrads, chromatids and Mather's formula.
The chaismata avoidance function
Speed & Waterman Pp. 65-88: "What is a map function?".
Friday, Apr 9 Count-location meiosis models
Renewal process chiasmata models
Lange Chapter 12: "Models for meiosis"
Wednesday, Apr 14 Peeling: sums on graphs
Baum algorithm for likelihoods
Peeling the FGL graph
Book 6.1, 6.2
Japan paper (2003)
Friday, Apr 16 Peeling on pedigree structures.
3.30: UW Science Forum
Book 6.3, 6.4
Garry Odell speaking on Gene networks at 3.30 p.m.
Wednesday, Apr 21 NO CLASS: I am in Minnesota Plan your presentations
Friday, Apr 23 NO CLASS: I am in Minnesota Plan your presentations
Wednesday, Apr 28 Peeling for likelihoods on pedigrees, ctd.
Reverse peeling in an HMM
Book: 6.5, 6.6, 7.1
Friday, Apr 30 Monte Carlo reverse peeling
Pedigree risk probabilities etc.
Ting-Yuan : Browning (2000): interference
Wednesday, May 5 Monte Carlo likelihood
Sequential imputation
Book: 7.3, 7.6
Friday, May 7 I-Yu Chiu : Elston,Sobel (1979) Ascertainment
Saonli Basu: Kruglyak (1998) FTT for HMMs
Wednesday, May 12 MCMC on pedigrees
MCMC estimates of lod-scores
Book: Ch 8, 9.1, 9.5
Friday, May 14 Haoyuan Zhu : Excoffier, Slatkin (1995): EM for haplotypes
Grace Ge : Stephens, PHASE; Bayes for haplotypes
Wednesday, May 19 Integrated proposals and joint updating
Pseudo-Bayes estimation of lod scores
New stuff! George and Thompson, Statist. Sci. Nov 2003
Friday, May 21 Arindam RoyChoudhury: Donnelly (1986): urn models and Ewens sampling formula
Paul Scheet: Pritchard et al.: Population structure
Wednesday, May 26 Metropolis-Hastings; sequential imputation, reweighting
Examples of MCMC lod score estimation??
Friday, May 28 Caroline Cutting: Zhao,McPeek, Speed: Chromatid interference
Bill Stewart: map estimation using MCMC
Wednesday, Jun 2 Examples of MCMC lod score estimation?? (ctd)
MCMC for general meiosis models
Book: Chapter 11.
Friday, Jun 4 Garrett Hellenthal: Thomas/Gutin; advances MCMC on pedigrees
Joe Rothstein: Sequential imputation on pedigrees