This is current list of people's ideas for presentations (that they have told me about).

April 30: Ting-Yuan Liu:
Count location and stationary renewal models for the chiasma process.
Browning, Genetics (2000) paper.

May 7: I-Yu Chiu:
Elston and Sobel (1979)
Sampling considerations in the gathering and analysis of pedigree data.
Am. J. Hum. Genet. 31: 62-69.

May 7: Saonli Basu:
Kruglyak and Lander (1998)
Discrete FFT for improving efficiency of HMM computations

May 14: Haoyuan Zhu:
Excoffier and Slatkin (1995)
Maximum-likelihood estimation of molecular haplotype frequencies in a diploid population
Molecular Biology and Evolution

May 14: Grace Ge:
Stephens et al. (2001) AJHG. PHASE paper
The Bayesian MCMC version of haplotype estimation.

May 21: Paul Scheet :
Jonathan K. Pritchard, Matthew Stephens, and Peter Donnelly
Inference of Population Structure Using Multilocus Genotype Data
Genetics 2000 155: 945-959.

May 21: Arindam Roychoudhury:
Polya urn models and Ewens sampling formula.
Donnelly (1986) Paper ?

May 28 : Caroline Cutting :
Zhao, McPeek and Speed (1994)
Statistical Analysis of Chromatid Interference

May 28 ??: Bill Stewart:
Guilherme J.M. Rosa, Brian S. Yandell, Daniel Gianola (2002),
A Bayesian approach for constructing genetic maps when markers are miscoded
Genetic Selection Evolution, Vol. 34, 353-369

June 4 ??: Garrett Hellenthal :
Block Gibbs samplers for likelihoods on pedigrees ??
Thomas and Gutin paper ?

June 4 ??: Joe Rothstein:
Sequential imputation on pedigrees.