Midterm 2: Feb 24, 2010: 11.30-12.20

1. The midterm is closed book; a page of reminder notes will be provided.
Bring pen, pencil, eraser, and paper to write on -- Nick will bring paper for anyone who forgets or prefers (I hope).

2. This midterm in fact has only 2 questions, but it is essentially like previous ones in that there are a total of 9 equally weighted parts.
I try to set questions for which I give you the results of earlier parts, so you can use them in later parts even if you have not been able to solve the earlier ones. (And, there is usually some point to the earlier part.)

3. A calculator may be useful. You may bring any handheld calculator than does not connect to the outside world.
NO CELL PHONES or other internet devices.

4. The midterm will cover material up to and including P.17 of the handout notes (except we did not do the example in 17.3). It will focus on material covered since the last midterm; moment generating functions, joint and conditional pmf/pdf, and likelihood, MLE, and sufficient statistics.

5. That is Homework 6 is particularly important, and your are strongly recommended to look at Homework 7 exercises 5.6.1 and 5.6.5 before the midterm.