Graduate Student Research Papers

In addition to the other work in the class, graduate students are expected to submit by the last day of classes (December 10, no later than 5 PM) a research paper on a topic of their choice. The papers should be 10-12 pp. long, with appropriate notes and an annotated bibliography. It is important that paper topics be selected as soon as possible in the quarter. A paper prospectus (a page or two explaining the topic and how it will be pursued) and bibliography of relevant sources (primary and secondary) must be submitted no later than Monday, November 1, for the instructor's approval, and, if there are recommendations about changes, those should be taken into account before proceeding further. A paper will not be accepted if the prospectus/bibliography has not been submitted by the deadline and a clear understanding reached that the topic and intended range of readings are acceptable.

At least some reading for the paper must be in a relevant foreign language, but unless the foreign language reading skills are very high, the assumption is most of the reading will be in English. This consideration may dictate that some potentially interesting topics cannot reasonably be done if the source base is primarily material in English.

The instructor is anxious to consult on topics and bibliography at any stage in the process and will provide feedback on any drafts which are submitted.