Russ 321/HSTAM/SISRE 443--Lecture Outline

"Renaissance Princes" without a Renaissance?

I. Myths and wishful thinking.

II. The limits of Muscovy's Renaissance ties.

A. Contacts with the West under Ivan III.
B. Italian architects in the Kremlin.
C. The world of ideas--the "Judaizers."
1. Cabalistic conundrums.
2. Renaissance Biblical scholarship.
3. The fate of free thinkers.
D. The sad case of a true Renaissance man in Muscovy--Maksim the Greek.

III. Muscovy's cultural "classicism."

A. A printing "revolution"?--Ivan Fedorov and the greener pastures of Ukraine.
B. Encyclopaedic compilation.
1. Metropolitan Daniil, the chronicles, and the Stepennaia kniga.
2. Makarii's defense of Orthodoxy.
a. The Great Menalogion.
b. The Stoglav Council.
C. The world of the Domostroi.
D. Moscow-3rd Rome or 2nd Jerusalem?