Materials for Teachers,  Students, and Others among the Curious

My purpose here is to provide several different kinds of materials that may be of interest to those with a general interest in Central Asia and more particularly for teachers and their students.  It is important to remember that material presented on the web site under different headings is also largely intended for general users--for example, the pages on various cities such as Samarkand.  Here you will find:

1.  Reference material and annotated guidance to resources regarding Central Asia.  On several occasions I have been asked to do presentations for workshops or provide in a lecture an overview of the region.  Here are some of the hand-outs  prepared for such occasions.  It is important to remember that they may already somewhat dated.  New publications and other kinds of resources  on Central Asia are appearing all the time.  Where I have time to review the new material, those reviews will be posted or linked here. 

2.  Readings relating to the Silk Road in its broadest sense.  Much of this is material prepared specifically for my course on the Silk Road (see below).  In the first instance I am interested in making available primary source texts (e.g., old chronicles or travel accounts).  What is here so far is only a start; additional texts will be added in spring of 2000 when I teach the course for the second time.  Generally I have not attempted to standardize spellings of names in the texts or provide annotation.

3. Syllabus for my course on the Silk Road.  This is the "third edition" of the course, currently being offered in Winter Quarter 2001.   Please note that the "Course Materials" must remain password protected because of copyright issues.


Reference Material.


A.  Primary Sources.

B.  Other.

Last revised December 29, 2000.
© 2000 Daniel C. Waugh