Mike received a B.S. in Civil Engineering (2001) and M.S. in Environmental Engineering (2003) from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (2008), and was a postdoctoral fellow in the Environmental Engineering Program of Yale University (2008-2009) prior to beginning his appointment at the UW in 2009. His education and professional background are in civil and environmental engineering - specifically in the areas of drinking water and wastewater treatment. Outside of work, Mike enjoys hiking, snowshoeing, skiing, and Scuba diving, as well as great food and strong coffee.
Michael Dodd - PI (Click here for CV)
Jen completed a B.S. in Biological Systems Engineering (minor in Mathematics) from the U. Idaho in 2004 and an M.S. in Environmental Engineering (minor in Risk Analysis, Assessment and Communications) from Cornell University in 2006. Since that time she has been a professional engineer in consulting and is currently a Senior Engineer at CDM Smith, where she has focused on applications of chemical and biological processes for contaminant mitigation on a wide variety of research projects. Her PhD research focuses on degradation of recalcitrant halogenated organic compounds by hydrated electron generating photosensitizers. Outside of work, she enjoys going for bike rides, hiking, yoga and quality time with her family.
Jen Hooper - Doctoral student (co-advised w/ Prof. Jessica Ray)
Wenning Liu - Doctoral student (co-advised w/ Prof. Edward Kolodziej
Wenning received a B.S in Environmental Toxicology (2022) from the University of California, Davis and a M.S in Environmental Engineering (2023) from Stanford University. Previously, she has investigated applications of rat and fish epithelial cell cultures for toxicity testing and the phototoxicities of common sunscreen ingredients toward corals. Her PhD research examines photochemical and oxidation reactions associated with tire-derived contaminants on roadway surfaces. Besides research, Wenning enjoys cooking, hiking, and traveling.
Dr. Sin-Yi Liou (2018-2023; PhD, 2023)
PhD dissertation: “Novel (advanced) oxidation and disinfection processes based on reactions of free available chlorine or hydrogen peroxide with unconventional activating agents: superoxide radical and non-ferrous/non-cuprous metal(loid) oxide catalysts”
Current position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
Dr. Huan He (2014-2020; PhD, 2020)
PhD dissertation: “Degradation and deactivation of bacterial antibiotic resistance genes during exposure to (waste)water treatment and health-care disinfectants”
Current position: Assistant Professor, Tongji University
Dr. Tessora Young (2014-2019; PhD, 2019)
PhD dissertation: “Modifications to dissolved organic matter and disinfection byproduct formation during solar chlorine photolysis and related oxidative treatment, as applied to drinking water treatment”
Current position: Drinking Water and Water Treatment Engineer, Jacobs Engineering
Dr. Peiran Zhou (2010-2015; PhD, 2015)
PhD dissertation: “Sunlight-driven photolysis of free available chlorine to reactive oxygen species for enhanced inactivation of chlorine-resistant microbial pathogens”
Current position: Medical Resident, UW School of Medicine
Dr. Jenna Forsyth (2010-2012; MS, 2012)
MS thesis: “Optimization of aqueous chlorine photochemistry for enhanced inactivation of chlorine-resistant microorganisms”
Current position: Research Scientist, Stanford U. School of Medicine
Christa Fagnant-Sperati (2009-2011; MS, 2011)
MS thesis: “Optimizing solar production of free chlorine for disinfection of compromised water resources”
Current position: Laboratory Manager, UW Dept. of Env. Occup. Health Sciences
Mika Emoto (2021-2022; BSENVE, 2022)
Undergraduate research: “Evaluation of rainwater for non-potable water supply augmentation in laboratory contexts”
Sean Wu (2018-2020; BSENVE, 2020)
Undergraduate research: “Degradation of antibiotic resistance genes during full-scale and bench-scale wastewater chlorination”
Tyler Oshiro (2017-2019; BSENVE, 2019)
Undergraduate research: “Evaluation of rainwater for non-potable water supply augmentation in laboratory contexts”
Annika Anderson (2016; BA Chem - Wash. U. in St. Louis, 2017)
Undergraduate research: “Degradation of antibiotic resistance genes during full-scale and bench-scale wastewater chlorination”
Alan Guo (2014-2016; BSCE, 2016)
Undergraduate research: “Evaluation of factors influencing trihalomethane and haloacetic acid formation during photolysis of chlorine in the presence of dissolved organic matter”
Xuzhi (Mark) Fang (2014-2016; BSCE, 2016)
Undergraduate research: “Bacterial DNA degradation and deactivation during drinking water and wastewater disinfection”
Shelby Asato (2013; BSCE, 2013)
Undergraduate research: “Optimization of aqueous chlorine and reactive oxygen species (photo)chemistry for decentralized disinfection”
Jing Ma (2011-2012; BS - Sichuan U., 2012)
Undergraduate research: “Halogen redox chemistry at the air-sea interface”
Shu Li (2011-2012; BS - Sichuan U., 2012)
Undergraduate research: “Bacterial DNA degradation and deactivation during drinking water and wastewater disinfection”
Quanxin (Nina) Mao (2011-2012; BSCE, 2012)
Undergraduate research: “Optimization of aqueous chlorine and reactive oxygen species (photo)chemistry for decentralized disinfection”
Hannah Snow (2011-2012; BSCE, 2012)
Undergraduate research: “Measuring and modeling the influence of tidal cycling on contaminant fate in the Duwamish River estuary”
Group alumni:
Tong is pursuing a B.S. in Environmental Engineering (minor in Applied Mathematics and Data Science) at the University of Washington. Her research interests focus on the removal of pollutants from the environment, particularly in water and sediment. In the lab, she has participated in experiments focusing on ozonation of different PPD antioxidants for subsequent toxicity testing, as well as on photochemistry of halogenated organic compounds. Outside of work, Tong enjoys traveling, hiking, exploring new cuisines, cooking, and watching movies.
Tong Ling - Undergraduate student
Bei is a fourth-year student in the B.S. in Environmental Engineering program at the University of Washington. Her research interests focus on applying chemical processes to remove hazardous organic compounds from waste/natural water. She has worked on method development for quantifying amino acid concentrations in protein samples, as well as investigations into the collection and use of rainwater in place of tap water for non-potable applications. Outside of school, she enjoys kayaking, traveling, cooking, and teaism.
Bei Jiang - Undergraduate student