Because of the large number of requests for information, I have decided to write up this list of Frequently Asked Questions on Asian dust and pollution transport. Hopefully this can serve as a primer on the topic for those unable to access or interpret the scientific literature. Obviously reading the published peer-reviewed articles is a better source. Most of what I have written below is based on the findings in our peer-reviewed articles, but I’ve also speculated a bit.
See also the following links:
Link to Jaffe group real-time data, peer-reviewed publications and forecasts
What is the focus
of your research?
My group studies long-range transport and sources in the Pacific of ozone, aerosols (both pollution and dust) and toxics, such as mercury and persistent organics.
Does only dust get
transported from
Both dust and pollution can be transported. My group first detected pollution (see our
GRL paper published in 1999). A year
later dust from a major Asian dust storm was transported across the Pacific and
detected by a number of researchers in
Does this mean
that we don’t need to worry about our own local air pollution?
NO! Absolutely not. Dust and pollution which is coming from 8000 km away will nearly always contribute less to your local air pollution then local sources. As Pogo said “We have met the enemy, and he is us!”. It would be a total misinterpretation of these results to blame local air pollution problems on long-range transport.
So then does this
mean long- range transport of dust and pollutants is not important?
Well, I didn’t say that. These pollutants add to local sources. To explain this I can use the EPA’s Air Quality Index (AQI). An AQI of 0 represents no pollution (impossible) and for most pollutants an AQI of 100 is the allowable limit where there are demonstrable health effects. So lets say your background air (the air that blows into your region) is normally at an AQI of 20 and your local air pollution adds 70, for a total of 90. You are below the allowable limit and below the level with significant health impacts, but not by much. Now say the background increases to 30 (say from sources far away), now you are at an AQI of 100, not good.
Does Asian dust and pollution transport only occur when
there is a major dust storm in
No! This is just when
the newspapers like to cover it! The
pollution sources in
Do the dust or
pollution levels ever reach hazardous conditions?
For the people living in
Is the material
transported at the surface?
Occasionally it can be transported this way, but we believe that most of the transport occurs in the range of 3-6 km elevation. This is why aircraft observations add greatly to data obtained from surface sites.
Does this only
occur in spring?
We don’t have much data in other seasons. Spring was when we thought the transport would be strongest, so for this reason, so far we have focused our efforts on spring observations. Our observations in 2002 and 2003 suggest that transport of Asian pollutants and forest fire smoke can occur during late spring and summer.
How do I know if
Asian dust or pollution is present?
Probably you won’t notice anything. Unless this is a once in 5 year event (10 year, 20 year???). In the April 1998 and April 2001 episodes the large amount of dust produced a strong haziness that was noticed in places that were usually clear. During these events the sun appeared a bit washed out and rather then a bright blue sky, the sky was noticeably whiter. Not like a cloud, but not the beautiful “desert blue” sky either. If you live in an urban area where the sky is usually polluted anyways, you might not notice any impact. Also clouds make it impossible to see the haze from the ground. Except for these dust episodes, you probably won’t see any evidence of other pollutants in the sky.
Doesn’t North
American pollution get transported too?
Yes, pollution from NA is transported into the
Is this problem
getting worse or better?
Unfortunately we have few long-term data records to be sure, but there is now evidence that for ozone, the problem is getting worse (see paper by Jaffe, Price, Parrish, Goldstein and Harris in publication list). There is some conflicting evidence on whether Asian sulfur emissions are increasing or decreasing and it probably depends on which chemical species we are talking about. For example dust, nitrogen oxides, persistent organics and mercury all come from different types of sources. It is possible, even likely, that some of these are increasing while others are decreasing.
What tools do you
use to study this problem?
My research group measures dust and pollutants. We do this both at a ground station on the
Olympic coast of
What other tools
do you use?
There are a number of products that we make use of to interpret our data and to time our aircraft sampling (the ground observations take place continuously). These tools are satellite imagery and computer simulations, which predict where the pollutants will be transported. None of these is by themselves perfect, but putting these all together gives us the most complete picture. Satellite imagery can be particularly deceptive in that most satellites do not “see through” clouds. Also it is very difficult to get quantitative information from the satellites. The forecast models are very valuable to time our flights. However these cannot be more accurate then the weather forecasting models which are at their core. Links to all of these can be found on the forecasts page listed above.
Can you tell me what
is happening right now?
You are welcome to investigate the satellite images, model forecasts and real time data that my group is putting on our website.
Who is funding
this research?
Our work is currently supported by NSF, EPA and NOAA.
How important is
Asian dust and pollution transport to air quality in North America?
Well, this is the 6 million dollar question. To be truthful, the answer is “we don’t know”, but we are starting to get a better idea.
Ok, time for me to stick my head out the window and see
what’s happening!