Psychology 322: Drugs and Behavior
Week 7 - Drugs Used to Treat Mental Disorders
To view the lecture, you must:
1. Be on a PC running Windows 98, Me, 2000, or NT. The software has been known to NOT work on processors that are 300mhz, so you will probably need a processor at least as fast as 366mhz.
2. Have Internet Explorer version 5.5. Previous versions of Internet Explorer will not work. If you do not have this version of Internet Explorer, you can download it for free here.
3. Have the lecture viewing software installed. Note that when you intall this software you will NOT see any icon on the desktop or item in the programs menu from your start button. If you are working in any of the computer labs on campus you will need to install the software each time you log in. If you are working from home or on a computer that already has the software installed, you can skip this step. The install is very easy and takes about a minute. If you need to install, please click INSTALL SOFTWARE below. When you click the link you will be asked for a password. Please use the password given to you in class. Then choose to "Save the file...". Go to where you saved the file (e.g., the desktop) and double click the file. Press OK when prompted. You will be notified when installation is complete.
4. Once the software is installed, click VIEW LECTURE below to start the lecture.
If you have any questions, please email the class email alias.