Jaime Diaz

Teaching Resources/References

picture of computers

Unless otherwise posted, these resources have been obtained through the Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (CASTL). A rich resource site is our own UW C&C Information Specialist - Rick Ells' page called "Technology and Webagogy". You should visit and bookmark that one.



Teaching as a Reflective Process and the Scholarship of Teaching

1. "The Scholarship of Teaching: What's he Problem", Randy Bass, Inventio, vol.1 , No. 1, 1999.

2. "The Scholarship of Teaching - New Elaborations, New Developments", Pat Hutchings and Lee Schulman, Change, September/October, 1999.

3. "The Scholarship of Teaching", Eileen Bender and Donald Gray, Research and Creative Activity - Indiana University, Vol. 22, 1999. http://www.indiana.edu/%7Ercapub/v22n1/p03.html

4. "From Minsk to Pinsk: Why A Scholarship of Teaching and Learning", Lee Shulman, Vol. 1, pgs. 48-52, 2000.


Technology and Teaching

1. "What Does Research Tell Us About Technology and Higher Learning?", Stephan Ermann, Change, vol 27, no2 March/April,pgs 20-27, 1995. http://www.learner.org/edtech/rscheval/rightquestion.html

2. "Rethinking the Role of the Professor in an Age of High-Tech Tools", Jeffrey Young, The Chronicle for Higher Education, October 3, 1997.

3. "Universities in a Digital Age", John Seely Brown, Change, vol 28 no 4 Jul/Aug, pgs 10-19, 1996

4. "Looking for the Logos in Technology: Technology Across the Curriculumin the College of Arts adn Science", Dee Ann Holisky, Daniele Struppa and Jim Sparrow, Inventio, vol 1 no 2, 1999. http://www.doiiit.gmu.edu/Archives/Oct99/dstruppa_1.htm

5. "Primacy of Process -Teaching and Learning in the Computer Age", Trent Batson and Randy Bass, Change, vol 28 no2 March/April, pgs 42-47, 1996.


Assessment of Teaching Techniques

(to come soon)


Jaime Diaz
Department of Psychology
University of Washington

All contents are copyright (C) 2000.

Mail : Department of Psychology
Guthrie Hall, room 335
Box 351525
Seattle, Washington 98195-1525

Voice : (206) 543-2546 (office/answering machine)


FAX : (206) 685-3157

email : diaz@u.washington.edu