CHEM 560B, Autumn 2005
Student Seminars in Nanoscience

Course Listing

Instructor: David Ginger
Email: ginger@chem.washington.

Office: Bag 213
Office Hours: by appt
Telephone: 5-2331

Meeting Times and Locations

Class meets Wednesdays 12:30-1:20 in EE1 Rm 054

Seminar Schedule

Seminar Schedule:

9/28/05: First day of classes. No Seminar.


Prof. Ginger: "How to Avoid Giving Your Audience Powerpoint Poisoning" (cartoons removed from online version)

Student speaker: Brian Kidd, Title: Modifying Nature's Adhesives: A Novel Approach to Predict Functional Structures of Allosteric Proteins


Student speaker: Paul Wallace: Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Second Harmonic Generation Studies of Photonics Chromophores

Invited Postdoctoral speaker: Dr. Janelle Leger: "Nanostructured organic optoelectronics"


Student speaker: Tom Butler: Translocation of DNA through Artificial Nanopores

Student speaker: Cody Young: Using Direct Lattice Fabrication to Make Photonic Crystal Devices


Student Speaker: Angus Yip: Approaches to Supramolecular Assembly for Organic Electronics and Supramolecular Electronics

Student Speaker: J. Scott Edgar: Single Cell Nanosurgery Integrated Separation and Analysis of Subcellular Organelles in Microfluidic Systems


Melvin Zin: Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles Using Genetically Engineered Polypeptides

Dan Allred: Electrochemical Nanofabrication Using Protein Crystals as Masks


Nick Norberg: Nanoparticles for Spintronics: Dopants, Surfaces and Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Quantum Dots

Tomoko Gray: Nanomechanical Characterization of Finite-Size Constrained Relaxation Processes in Optoelectronc and Photonic Thin Films


Student Speaker: Dan Patel "Unexpected Photochromism in a SpiroOxazine Single Crystal"

Student speaker and NaNSA VP: Andrea Munro: "Correlating Single CdSe Quantum Dot Blinking Dynamics with Surface Chemistry"

 11/23/05 -- No class before Thanksgiving


Student Speaker: Tim Fister: Symmetries in excited state electronic structure measured with inelastic x-ray scattering

Student Speaker: Deborah Basset: Cultural Communication in Science: Analyzing the Discourse(s) of Nanoscience

Course Description

This CR/NC course consists of student seminars on current research topics in nanoscience and nanotechnology presented by University of Washington graduate students. Each student speaker will give a 20-minute presentation and answer questions during the following 5 minutes. This will allow 2 student speakers to present at each weekly 50-minute class meeting. The seminars will be aimed at an interdisciplinary audience of science and engineering graduate students, although some speakers may practice K-12 outreach seminars and job/conference talks. The course is open to graduate as well as undergraduate students. To receive credit, the students registered for the class must attend all the seminars. Although giving a presentation is not required to receive credit, it is strongly recommended, since this will give the student speakers an opportunity to share and discuss their research with fellow students and to practice and hone their presentation skills in front of an audience. The schedule for talks will be organized by the the curriculm committee for the Nanotechnology and Nanoscience Student Association (NaNSA) at UW with assistance from Prof. Ginger.

Course Contacts

David Ginger: ginger@chem.washington.

Andrea Munro (NaNSA VP) ammunro@u.washington.

Add edu to the end of each contact address.

Send mail to: ginger@chem.washington.
Last modified: 11/07/2005 12:00 PM