Mechanics Laboratory
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Physics 117, Fall 2009
Instructor: David Pengra Email: Office: Physics/Astronomy Building, Room B256 Office Hours: By appointment; please send email or phone Telephone: 206-543-4783 Lab Make-up List
The list of students who have requested a make-up lab is here:
Meeting Times and Locations
See your MyUW time schedule to find when and where your section meets. You may also use the following link to the registrar's time schedule: Section Information
A list of the 17 and 121 lab sections and TA contact information is at this link: Sections and TAsWebAssign
Pre-labs, post-labs, and credit for the in-class experiments will be on the internet on the WebAssign system. You can get to WebAssign from the physics 1xx website: You may also log directly into WebAssign at the following URL: Check your scores on WebAssign regularly. This is the record by which you will be awarded credit for the course. Mistakes caught early are usually easy to correct, whereas those caught after several weeks have elapsed may be difficult (or impossible) to correct. When you log in to WebAssign for the first time, you will be asked to submit an entry code or pay for access with a credit card. See the Intro to WebAssign@washington for details on using WebAssign. Course Structure
There are three parts to the lab course: (1) the online pre-lab, (2) the in-class experiment, and (3) the online post-lab. All three parts are required and contribute to your final lab grade. Online pre-labThe pre-lab is designed to give you some experience thinking about the physics theory that the experiment will study. To complete it, you will log on to your WebAssign account and first read the PDF tutorial that you can download from there. Then you will work the WebAssign problem sets that come with the pre-lab. These problem sets will give you some practice with lab calculations and related theoretical topics. More information on WebAssign is given below. If you have been keeping up with the reading in the lecture part of the course, the pre-lab should take about 45 minutes to complete. The pre-lab deadline is midnight of the day before your lab section meets. For example, if your lab section meets 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM on Tuesday, you must complete the pre-lab by 12:00 midnight on Monday. There are no make-ups allowed for pre-labs, nor will late work be accepted for any reason. In-class experimentWhen you come to your lab section, you should bring the following:
The lab period lasts for 1 hour and 50 minutes. You will work with one lab partner (or occasionally, two) and collect data that you will record in the spaces provided in the lab instructions. As you do the lab, you will be asked to pause and record predictions about what you expect to happen. As you do the experiment, you will need to get the TA to initial various boxes that verify you have done the parts correctly. Finally, at the end of the lab session, the TA will initial the front page of the instructions and record your satisfactory completion of the in-class part. You must have the TA's final initials in order to get credit for the lab. The in-class part will be graded "credit/no-credit." Take the completed lab papers and data with you; you will need them in order to complete the online post-lab. Some steps in the labs ask you to discuss with your partner(s) various aspects of the experiment. Although you do not need to write anything down in the lab, you may need to answer the question in the post-lab, so you should be able to provide a sensible answer. Online post-labAfter you have finished the in-class experiment and had the TA initial your papers, you may do the online post-lab assignment on WebAssign. The post-lab questions are of two types:
The deadline to complete the post-lab is midnight, five days after your in-class session. The post-lab will be available for you to work on immediately after your in-class session ends. For example, if your lab section is Tuesdays from 9:30 AM to 11:20 AM, your post-lab will become available at 12:00 noon on Tuesday, and will be blocked on 12:00 midnight, Saturday. You may not attempt the post-lab until you have completed the in-class session. If you miss the in-class session and need to make it up, you must notify the TA so that your post-lab assignment can be rescheduled. If the TA discovers that you have attempted the post-lab without completing the in-class part, your grade for the post-lab will be reduced (see below). The post-lab should take about 15 minutes to complete. Make-up labsThe policies for make-up labs are as follows:
Labs will be graded on a 10 point scale as follows:
Each lab will be graded according to the 10 point scale. For any one lab, a zero on either the in-class papers or on the post-lab will result in a zero for that lab as a whole. To obtain credit for physics 117, you must have no zeros on any lab, and you must have earned 48 out of a possible 80 points, or 60%. |
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