BIS 490C

Senior Seminar:

The American West

Autumn 2007

Mondays/Wednesdays 5:45-7:50 p.m., Rm. UW1-020

David S. Goldstein, Ph.D.

 Click here <>
to contact instructor with or without identifying yourself. (My e-mail address is provided in class. No telephone calls, please.)

You will need a UW Net ID and a working UW e-mail account for this course. Please have both set up before the first class meeting. For instructions, click here: <>. If you wish to use a different e-mail account, please have your UW e-mail forwarded to the other account, which you can do at My UW, located at <>.

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E-Mail, Connecting to UW from Home, Online Reserves, and More
Advice to Students
Novel Review Assignment
Research Paper Assignment
Learning Portfolio Assignment

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This page last updated November 11, 2007.

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