BIS 367 (LN 11175)

Exploring American Culture:

Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration

Spring 2008 

Mondays/Wednesdays 1:15-3:20 p.m., Rm. UW1-040

David S. Goldstein, Ph.D.

 Click here <>
to contact instructor with or without identifying yourself. (My e-mail address is provided in class. No telephone calls, please.)

You will need a UW Net ID and a working UW e-mail account for this course. Please have both set up before the first class meeting. For instructions, click on the "Connecting to UW from Home" link below. If you wish to use a different e-mail account, please have your UW e-mail forwarded to the other account, which you can do at My UW, located at <>.

IF THIS CLASS IS FULL: If you were hoping to enroll in this course but found that it is full, please see for my best advice.

A two-credit community-based learning course, BIS 398, is available in conjunction with this course.  Students interested in earning two credits in addition to five credits for BIS 367 may be placed with a community partner organization to apply what they have learned to class to their community work, and will take what they learned from their community work back into the BIS 367 classroom.  Students will be expected to spend three to four hours per week, starting in Week 3 of the quarter, working in the community partner organization.  Interested students should contact the instructor using the above "contact" link.  Enrollment is limited and permission of the instructor is required.  Only students enrolled in BIS 367 are eligible.  Students are responsible for transportation to and from the community partner organziation.  Partners located in or near Bothell and Seattle are anticipated but not guaranteed.  For more information, visit

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E-Mail, Connecting to UW from Home, Online Reserves, and More
Advice to Students
Response Papers Assignment  
Research Assignment  
Learning Portfolio Assignment


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This page last updated April 9, 2008.

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