Opportunities for Prospective Graduate Students

Graduate students who are interested in pursing research in crustal deformation, satellite geodesy, and geophysics can contact Professor Schmidt with any questions, or to discuss research opportunities. The Fall AGU meeting also provides a good venue to meet and chat about potential projects.

Potential Ph.D. projects include: (updated for 2023)

  • Seafloor geodesy, megathrust locking, and active crustal deformation of accretionary prisms. (an example from Japan)
  • Subduction dynamics and tectonics (numerical modeling)
  • Imaging landslides using satellite radar (InSAR)
  • Slow slip earthquakes on the Cascadia subduction zone and the San Andreas fault

Students with strong mathematical and computing skills are encouraged to apply, including students of diverse educational training (e.g., majors in geophysics, physics, engineering, and computer science). Course work in upper division math (linear algebra, differential equations), computer programming, and geophysics, as well as undergraduate research experience, is desirable.
