======process_2pass.pl details====== When debugging incomplete processing, it can be useful to start or end process_2pass.pl somewhere in the middle of the script. You simply add two arguments to your original processing command, the first marking where the process should start, and the second marking the end. It looks something like this: process_2pass.pl parameter_file [DoItFrom] [EndItAt] You can begin processing at a number of locations in the script: [DoItFrom] = raw, roi_prep, orbbase, slcs, offsets, resamp, flatorb, full_res, seismic, begin_filt, filtered, make_mask, unwrapped, done_sim_off, done_sim_removal, redo_base, use_sim_base, synth_offset, sim_removal, sim_removal_bsim, unwrapped_bsim Similarly, you can end the process where you like: [EndItAt] = raw, roi_prep, orbbase, slcs, offsets, resamp, flatorb, full_res, seismic, begin_filt, filtered, make_mask, unwrapped, done_sim_off, done_sim_removal, redo_base, use_sim_base, synth_offset, sim_removal, sim_removal_bsim, unwrapped_bsim, done To run the process to the end, use 'done' for [EndItAt].