====== First Time Installation (version 3.0.1) ======
These instructions are for users who are installing ROI_PAC v3.0.1 on their computer system for the first time. The examples of the appropriate commands are shown in the boxes below. Additional information is found in the documentation that accompanies the
===== 1. Obtain ROI_PAC =====
Order and download the software from
Channel Foundation]].
===== 2. Expand Archive =====
Uncompress and untar the archived file.
% tar -xzf ROI_PAC_3_0_1.tgz
===== 3. Read the documentation =====
Read through the text file ''ROI_PAC_3_0_1/AAREADME'' and the additional documentation found in
''ROI_PAC_3_0_1/ROI_PAC/DOC''. The instructions for installing the software and running the scripts are described in ''ROI_PAC_3_0_1/ROI_PAC/DOC/Setup'' and ''ROI_PAC_3_0_1/ROI_PAC/AAREADME_BUILD_ROIPAC''. The most important steps are summarized below.
% cd ROI_PAC_3_0_1
===== 4. Compile Executables =====
Follow the instructions in the file
''ROI_PAC_3_0_1/ROI_PAC/AAREADME_BUILD_ROIPAC''. Copy and paste each command individually into a shell. These commands will build and test the software package for multiple compilers. If problems are encountered, refer to the bottom of ''AAREADME_BUILD_ROIPAC'' for platform specific issues or look through prior posts on the
[[http://www.openchannelfoundation.org/forum/forum.php?forum_id=99|forum]] at
Open Channel Foundation. To
see what shell you are using, type ''echo $SHELL'' on the command line.
% cd ROI_PAC_3_0_1/ROI_PAC
% which ifort g95 f90 pgf95 f95 xlf gfortran cc gcc icc
% touch aclocal.m4 Makefile.in configure
% ./contrib/install-fftw.sh CC=cc
% export FFTW_LIB_DIR=/yourpath/ROI_PAC_3_0_1/ROI_PAC/NetInst/fftw-071005-1457/lib
% export FFTW_INC_DIR=/yourpath/ROI_PAC_3_0_1/ROI_PAC/NetInst/fftw-071005-1457/include
% ./contrib/multibuild.sh
The scripts will inform you which builds were successful. When testing the build, you will need to gunzip the provided test data set
prior to running the script ''multitest.sh''.
% ls
ROI_PAC_3_0_1 ROI_PAC_3_0_1.tgz roi_pac_testdir.tar.gz
% gunzip roi_pac_testdir.tar.gz
% cd ROI_PAC_3_0_1/ROI_PAC/test-runs
% ../contrib/multitest.sh /full_path/roi_pac_testdir.tar /full_path/ROI_PAC_3_0_1/ROI_PAC/multibuild-071005-1506/installs/share/roi_pac /full_path/ROI_PAC_3_0_1/ROI_PAC/multibuild-071005-1506/installs/defaults/bin /full_path/ROI_PAC_3_0_1/ROI_PAC/multibuild-071005-1506/installs/gfortran/bin
Each test run should take ~40 minutes depending on your computer.
If the test fails while processing the DEM contained in ''roi_pac_testdir.tar'', you may have to manually swap this DEM file with one that has the proper byte order for your machine (i.e., [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_endian#Endianness_and_hardware|little-endian versus big-endian]], see ''TEST_DIR/AAREADME''). If the test is successful, the finished
product is the file ''geo_930110-950523.unw'' which should be buried within the
directory structure (check in the directory ''test-runs/defaults/TEST_DIR/int_930110_950523'').
You can view the image file using the program mdx, if you already have it
installed. Otherwise, you can try
to view the file with a different program that can display binary image files
(i.e., [[:matlab|Matlab]], ENVI, ERmapper). The file is composed of floating point values
in a band-interleave format, i.e. alternating lines of magnitude and phase.
The size of the file should be just under 10 MB. The meta-data for the file can be
found in ''geo_930110-950523.unw.rsc''. If you have progressed this far,
congratulations! You have a working version of **ROI_PAC**.
|{{mag.gif?200|Magnitude of geo_930110-950523.unw}}|{{phs.gif?200|Phase of
|{{ cbar_mag.jpg?200 }}|{{ cbar_phs.jpg?200 }}|
===== 5. Install Executables =====
Make a new directory called ''INT_BIN'' where you will deposit the final executables.
% mkdir ROI_PAC_3_0_1/ROI_PAC/INT_BIN
You can copy the set of executables from the
multi-build operation. Choose one of the successful builds found in
% cd ROI_PAC_3_0/ROI_PAC/multibuild-071005-1506/installs/defaults/bin
% cp * ROI_PAC_3_0_1/ROI_PAC/INT_BIN/.
:!:If you plan to use ODR orbits, then the ''getorb'' executable should be located in ''ROI_PAC_3_0_1/ROI_PAC/INT_BIN/''. You can either copy the executable itself or make a symbolic link.
===== 6. Configure SAR_CONFIG =====
Read the instructions in
''ROI_PAC_3_0_1/ROI_PAC/DOC/SAR_CONFIG''. Copy this file into the directory ''ROI_PAC_3_0_1/ROI_PAC''
and edit the appropriate lines. You will have to source this file every time
that you want to use **ROI_PAC**. It will set your path environment so that the
necessary scripts will be available on the command line.
(edit paths)
% source SAR_CONFIG
In addition to the paths to orbit files (''SAR_PRC_DIR'' and ''SAR_ODR_DIR''), you will also need to define the
''INT_BIN'' and ''INT_SCR'' directories. To do this, add the following lines to
export INT_BIN="/full_path/ROI_PAC_3_0_1/ROI_PAC/INT_BIN"
export INT_SCR="/full_path/ROI_PAC_3_0_1/ROI_PAC/INT_SCR"
Instead of using ''export'' for the ''bash'' shell, use the ''setenv'' syntax if you are using the ''csh'' or ''sh'' shell. You can also add the path to ''mdx'', ''getorb'', or other related software that you might install.
export MDX="/software/mdx/bin"
export FFTW_LIB="/yourpath/ROI_PAC_3_0_1/NetInst/fftw-071005-1457/lib"
===== 7. Update Path To Perl =====
The path to the perl executable may be different on your machine than is used in the ROI_PAC scripts. You can check if this step is necessary by comparing the paths in the following outputs:
% grep perl make_raw.pl
% which perl
The example shown above shows that no changes are necessary. If the paths are different, there is a simple script in ''ROI_PAC_3_0_1/ROI_PAC/INT_SCR'' that will edit this path for you in all of the perl scripts.
% chgperlpath.pl
===== 8. Celebrate =====
You are now ready to process your own SAR data. Create a workspace where you will process future data. You may also want to create a new directory elsewhere on your system where you can archive your DEM and orbit files. Update ''SAR_CONFIG'' with the new location of the orbit files. Remember to source your ''SAR_CONFIG'' in each new shell before you start to process data. Alternatively, you can add a line to the file that initializes your shell environment upon startup (such as .cshrc or .bash_profile).