===== File Structure ===== ^File Suffix^File Structure^File Format^Data Type^ |*.slc, *.int, *.amp|cpx|BSQ|complex| |*.cor, *.unw, *.hgt|rmg|BIL|floating point| cpx = complex values; alternating real and imaginary pixel values\\ rmg = alternating lines of amplitude and phase\\ BSQ = band sequential\\ BIL = band interleave ===== Output File Names ===== Important files created by ROI_PAC are listed below. Not all of the files listed are created during every processing scenario. For example, additional files are created when you include a seismic model in the processing. Capital letters designate where names will vary according to the input parameters in param.txt. ^File Name^Description^ |log|ascii file of command line arguments called during processing| |log1|ascii file with standard output and messages| |_date1_.slc|single look complex image produced from raw data| |_date1_date2_baseline.rsc|calculated baseline information between scenes| |fitoff_ampcor.out|offset, skew, and rotation terms to align slcs| |_date1-date2_.int|interferogram created from date1.slc and date2.slc (full resolution)| |_date1-date2_.amp|amplitude file| |flat_ORBIT_Date1-Date2_.int|flattened interferogram using a priori orbit information| |_date1-date2_.cor|correlation between flat_ORBIT_Date1-Date2.int and DATE1-DATE2.amp| |_#rlks_raw.hgt|extracted DEM in range, azimuth, and height coordinates| |radar_#rlks.hgt|extracted DEM in satellite coordinates| |radar_ORBIT_#rlks.unw|simulated unwrapped interferogram in satellite coordinates| |DATE1-DATE2-sim_ORBIT_4rlks.int|wrapped differential interferogram| |MODEL#rlks.unw|simulated unwrapped differential interferogram using seismic model| |phase_var_ORBIT_#rlks.msk|mask calculated from the phase variance| |filt_DATE1-DATE2-sim_ORBIT- MODEL#rlks_c##.unw|unwrapped, filtered, differential interferogram with seismic model removed| |total_DATE1-DATE2-MODEL#rlks.unw|unwrapped differential interferogram (including orbital ramp) with seismic model removed| |radar_SIM_#rlks.unw|new simulated interferogram using re-estimated baseline values and topography| |filt_DATE1-DATE2-sim_SIM_#rlks_c##.unw|filtered, unwrapped, differential interferogram using new baseline values| |geo-DATE1-DATE2.unw|final geocoded, filtered, unwrapped, differential interferogram| |geo-DATE1-DATE2-MODEL#rlks.unw|final geocoded, filtered, unwrapped, differential interferogram with the simulated seismic model removed|