University of Washington Department of Physics: Phys 528

Winter 2010
Fridays 12.30-2.20  PAB 109
Instructor: David Cobden

Current Topics in Physics


This course is intended to introduce first-year graduate students to research going on at UW.

Each week there will be three talks by researchers who are seeking to advise Physics students.

On average each talk will be half an hour plus questions, with the balance varying somewhat.

Lunch: Feel free to bring food along. We'll have coffee and snacks after each talk!


Jan 8 Introduction  
Ann Nelson Particle theory in the era of the LHC
David Cobden
Nanodevice Physics - Experiments on nanowires and nanotubes (lab tour after)
Jan 15 Marjie Olmstead Intrinsic vacancy semiconductors: ferromagnets and transparent conductors
Jerry Seidler Advances in energy science via novel X-ray spectroscopic methods
Gary Drobny
Biophysical chemistry, nuclear magnetic resonance
Jan 22 Alejandro Garcia Experiments in low-energy nuclear physics
Nikolai Tolich Neutrino experiments - Ideas for developing the next generation neutrino detectors
Leslie Rosenberg
Dark matter detection
Jan 29 Paula Heron How students learn physics
Toby Burnett Astrophysics and the search for dark matter with Fermi
Vladi Chaloupka
Physics, music and society
Feb 5 Markus Raschke Ultrafast nano-optics
Deep Gupta Ultracold atoms
Boris Blinov
Trapped ion quantum computing
Feb 12 Marcel den Nijs Scale invariance in dynamic statistical process and in the human cortex
Jens Gundlach DNA through nanopores
Henry Lubatti
Physics at the Large Hadron collider: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe
Feb 19 Anton Andreev Theoretical condensed matter physics, mainly nano
David Ginger Scanning probe microscopy of polymer photovoltaics
David Baker
Mapping protein folding free energy landscapes
Feb 26 Paul Kinahan Medical Imaging with Ionizing Radiation - Detectors to Images
Kannan Krishnan Magnetic nanostructures and films
Jerry Miller
Nucleon structure
Mar 5
1 pm
Nathan Kutz High-energy mode-locked (pulsed) lasers
Dam Son Physics of strong interactions
Robert Holzworth
The global effects of lightning
Mar 12 Bob Odom The UW Applied Physics Lab
Huey-Wen Lin "QCD in a Box" -- An Application of Lattice Gauge Theory
Michael Miller Neutrino and dark matter detection