Write down all the letters you remember.

How did you do? Compare your results with the table on this page. How many letters from each trial did you remember? Is there a "pattern" to the letters that you remembered? For example, did you remember the first few letters better than the middle letters? Did you remember the last letters?

Graph your results for each set of numbers. One way to do this is to graph the number of letters you remembered as a percentage. For example, if you remembered 2 of the 4 letters presented in the second trial, then you have remembered 50% of the letters.

Print out this chart and use it for your data:

Trial # Total number
of Letters
in the Set
Correct Letters Total number
of Letters
you remembered
% You
12U M
24T Z L D
36K X C E J O
48A V C Y I S E H
510L B F Q R P M A U X
612Z Q E C T B U M O N R V

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