Scrambled Neuroscientists

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Scrambled NameUnscrambled Name
Hu vid Da bel David Hubel
Men gor Gre del Gregor Mendel
poc rates Hip Hippocrates
i tle sto Ar Aristotle
da ci Leo Vin do nar Leonardo da Vinci
cartes Re Des ne Rene Descartes
Hoo bert Ro ke Robert Hooke
Leeu tony hoek Van wen An Antony Van Leeuhoek
son mes in Park Ja James Parkinson
Purk in Jan je Jan Purkinje
win arles Dar Ch Charles Darwin
Bro ul ca Pa Paul Broca
ton orge Hunt Ge ing George Huntington
gi Cam Gol illo Camillo Golgi
y ti Ra jal San mon ago Ca Santiago Ramon y Cajal
lov I Pav van Ivan Pavlov
mund Fr Sig eud Sigmund Freud
hei Al mer Alz ois Alois Alzheimer
Le alcini Ri Mont ta vi Rita Levi Montalcini
To ten rs Wie selTorsten Wiesel
iner ley Stan Prus Stanley Prusiner
Spe Ro rry ger Roger Sperry
Jo les hn Ecc John Eccles
rl Ka ley Lash Karl Lashley
wi to Ot Loe Otto Loewi